• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

The Art of Simplicity…. Eating Helper!

The Art of Simplicity…. Eating Helper!

For many people choosing what foods to eat and when are major conundrums!


With today’s societal eatery/nutrition system roulette it’s no wonder many Americans have trouble choosing which foods to eat and when!


I just saw Weight Watchers approved some foods on the McDonald’s menu!!!!!


Seriously?! Check the image below…


I understand making it easier for people to stick to their “point” system but McDonald’s?


How about some accountability and just sucking it up and doing the right thing!


Do you really think a 6-Piece Breaded Chicken Nugget Meal is good for you fat loss and Vitals (BP, HR, etc…) goals?


But in any case that has more most likely to do with financial friendship than anything else…



(I wouldn’t be shocked if you start seeing within the next 5 years Weight Watcher menu items on select McDonald’s eatery menu boards.)


But I always believe that the best way to keep your physique or stick to your goals is to create simplicity in your eating.


KISS – Keep It Simple Sexy 😉


Here are 4-5 meals I do not even have to think about day to day:


  • Meal 1 (Cashews or Walnuts or Almonds – 30g)
  • Meal 2 (Sweet Potato and some form of Protein – eggs, grass fed steak or hamburger, free-range chicken,pork, lamb, etc.)
  • Meal 3 (Post-Workout: High-End Post Workout Whey Protein Powder with BCAA and Water)
  • Meal 4: Veggies (Cauliflower or Broccoli or Sweet Peas or Brussel Sprouts, etc) with 3 Oysters
  • Meal End Of Night (4-6 Eggs, Over Easy, Scrambled or Sunny Side Up)


That leaves me with only one or two meals to actually have to think about.


Too easy right?!


So do yourself a favor and create some consistency in your life with simple planning and the other two meals or so of the day will take care of themselves… trust me.


Leading my life to help you live the dream 😉


