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Category Archive calories

Coleson’s McDiet is McTrue but also McShit

So as many of you probably already heard, a gentleman by the name of Chris Coleson recently slimmed 14 inches from his Super-Sized belly and dropped 80 pounds by surviving on a 1,400 calorie a day McMeal plan that incorporated salads, wraps, occasional patty’s, apples and fitness 3 days a week. Check his story out here.

To his credit Chris did say he didn’t touch one fry the entire 200 days he followed this plan.

Even more interesting he skipped breakfast and packed all his calories into two meals a day; sounds like most teenagers and working adults huh?

His 40 year-old wife, inspired by her husbands amazing results, decided to give the ol’ Col’Donald routine a try and has lost herself 30 pounds.

Now this is where I get to say “I told you so!”

For as long as anyone’s known me I’ve stated “losing weight is simple”.

It’s a matter of knowing how much you need to eat every day and just staying consistent with that number. If you don’t, you’re lying and that’s why you’re not losing the weight.

My favorite analogy is the Chocolate Cake diet.

You could eat however many calories a day of the sweet tasty stuff so long as you don’t go over your limit caloricly, you spread the slices out over the day, and just workout – not even train – just workout in some facet with varied exercises daily.

No shit this will actually work!

Here’s the problem though:

1. You WILL compromise YOUR health
2. You WILL breakout with pimples
3. You WILL get ‘The Diabetes’
4. You WILL get very bored, very quickly, with this one food choice
5. You WILL feel lethargic at some point and find energy difficult to recruit

So it works.

But you will sacrifice for it.

Perhaps more than you’re willing to.

*You may set yourself up for potentially developing cancer.
*You may burn yourself out and have a serious accident.
*You may even begin to program your thoughts so much that other behaviors of your mentality and attitude will suffer due to it.

So be smarter than this guy please. And if you’re reading this you’re obviously not homeless collecting coins and cans on the street to get by.

Start purchasing apples, broccoli, salmon, chicken, steak, asparagus, sweet potatoes, etc…

I’m just waiting for McDonald’s to jump on this dumb bandwagon and hoist this fella on their corporate shoulders as the next “Jarrod” like Subway did. By the way, I dispise Jarrod. I take that back, I don’t know Jarrod the man, but I hate everything Jarrod the Subway Pop-Culture Slam-Donkey represents.

Just two cents from Rob Belley.

I do like Subway, just not their sell-out mascot.

Now talk amongst yourselves, here’s a topic, Triceps Kickbacks are neither kicks, backs or even worthy of having the term triceps incorporated into the title.

Please discuss….and realize that if a guy and woman who are willing to eat McDonald’s twice a day can both lose a good amount of weight, then what the hell is holding you back? What excuses are you creating?