• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Yearly Archive December 20, 2007

Thank You

An Inspiring Father and Son Relationship

I wish I could claim ownership for all motivational tips I present, but often times, I simply redirect or re-present quality information. But that is true of every industry and every profession.

With that said, I received this post in a newsletter I belong to from my fitness buddy Dax Moy.

He’s an amazing individual, not just a fitness professional. He too is excellent at distributing quality info to people who otherwise may have never seen, read or heard inspirational and motivational items and moments.

This particular email struck a chord with me as I’m sure it will do so with you.

It’s the inspiring recap of Dick Hoyt and his son Rick and their spectacular strive to overcome the greatest of illness and stand atop the pinnacle of human effort!

What they accomplish with their limitations should show you that YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU SEE FIT or POSSIBLE.


Do yourself a favor and watch the clip below.

Till next time,

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
Pembroke, Massachusetts


For those of you looking to give to a charity this winter I have a fun one for ya.

Not that I’m trying to take you away from the support a family, toys for children or food for those less fortunate organizations. I’m all for them.

But this one is a fun way to still give to a great cause while having a blast and workout in the process!! This event sposonsors the Women’s Lunch Place. Where homeless and less fortunate women can go for shelter and food in times of need.

If you want to see fun: check this out:

That looks fun!!

This event is taking place this Saturday, December 15th, 2007 in South Boston!!

And here’s a great idea in case you need a little poking or motivation:

I call it the Speedo Treking Santa Office Extravaganza!!!!

You should all submit one member from the office by some kind of challenging game or pass the time office event.

Who ever finishes last or in the bottom 3 has to participate in the Santa Speedo Run!

All the proceeds of the office challenge could go to the charity bundle associated with the speedo treking office santa : )

Very cool idea?

Plan for it next year too!!

Makes for good stories around the office cooler…or at the christmas party…and especially when looking for a raise and the fact that you stuck yourself out there for the team..literally.

Take care and happy holidays!!

Rob Belley

PS- I know a Speedo may not be for everyone, and I know you wouldn’t want to see me in one, but it’ll help a great deal of less foruntate women this winter during the cold and harsh wintery conditions. Especially with storm alerts approaching.

So what’s a speedo?

12 Days of Fitness is Yours FREE!!

Guess what?

It’s that time of year again!

What I mean is it’s the time of year for the wonderful 12 Days of Fitness put on by my buddies Dax Moy and Pat Rigsby. Over 250 fitness professionals, including myself, have been contributing workouts, diets, meal plans, programs, audios and informational reports for all our beloved subsrcibers and clients for absolutelty free.

You see the 12 days begin today Monday, December 10th and runs through the 22nd. But if I were you I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d pop over there today to begin going through all the cool gifts.

Dax and Pat have done another superb job this year. And I’m just ecstatic to be apart of the 12 Days.

I personally have contributed some FAST workouts for those of us in a hustle this holiday season. Believe you me, I know how hard it is to find time to get in a good workout right now. So I’m positive my gift alone will help you 3fold for the next 4 weeks.

But again, I’m just one of a handpicked group of 250 health and fitness experts from all around the world to participate in the largest gift-giving program ever.

So as I said before, you’re going to download great info from some of my elite colleagues too!

And these gifts are even divied up into categories for you:
Strength Training
Back Pain
New Mom’s Fitness
and so much more…

The only thing you’ll need to do is pop on over and register your name and email address at:


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Robert Belley operates the Readers Choice award winning service Robert Belléy Fitness in Pembroke on RT 53.

Information can be reached via the internet at www.RBFit.com or email at Rob@RBFit.com

Maximum Fitness magazine, Advisory Board Member
Men’s Fitness magazine, Consultant/Advisor
CNC Publisher, Weekly Columnist

Robert Belley Fitness Personal Training Studios
345 Washington St. Unit 5, Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359

The Inspiration of Randy Pausch

In life it’s difficult to find truly motivating individuals who exemplify true optimistic character cuddled with realism. This man portrays just that. Please do yourself a favor and watch this video…

Dynamic Stretching Part 1

~ as article appears in CNC Publications ~

For years athletes from a variety of sports have suffered strenuous muscle cramps, debilitating injuries and annoying inflexibility. It’s never a matter of “IF” you’ll suffer from the above mentioned in your athletic career but the reality of “WHEN” it’ll happen. No mater how amazing your current warm-ups are at some point you’ll either over-train, under-train or just not be hydrated enough to sustain the amount of demand required for complete mobility and flexibility for a given movement or exercise.

The human body is amazing in that it tries to constantly prevent injury. It will only allow a muscle group to develop so long as it doesn’t place the opposing muscles in the length-tension relationship in harms way. Sure it’s not a perfect system, and we do still incur injury, but for the most part we’re fortunate in that we are instilled with this internal protective mechanism.

So how can you help your body in the fight against tight and bounded muscles? Easy, begin a stretching program focused around your personal goals as a youth athlete. Author’s note: you don’t have to be a youth athlete to benefit from this information. Whether you’re an adult, fitness or non-fitness enthusiast or alive and breathing this information will greatly enhance your life!

People tend to forget that even if they’re not currently including fitness in their lifestyle they still benefit tremendously from stretching. The body still gets tight, still suffers injury and still needs to be adequately hydrated whether or not participating in sport and recreation. And unless you’re competing in regular sport, sport beverages really aren’t necessary; water is perfect.

Now the following stretches are something we in the “industry” refer to as ‘dynamic’ stretching. It yields all the amazing benefits of traditional ‘static’ stretching only it better prepares you for sport and training ahead! I’m going to walk you through a quick dynamic stretching sequence for your ankles and hamstrings. Next installment we’ll focus on the calves, quads and hips.

Beginning with the ankles, we’re going to open up the ankle complex with this exercise. With your feet two-to-three inches apart, toes pointed forward, knees slightly bent, hands placed just above knees, perform a circular motion with the path of your knees while leaving both feet firmly in contact with the floor. Do not let your heels or toes come off the ground. Perform seven circles to the left then seven circles to the right.

The next exercise will help loosing up those hamstrings. Standing upright, lift your right leg about an inch or so off the ground by balancing onto your left leg. Begin, swinging your right leg from front to back in a straight path while making sure your toes constantly point in a forward movement. Try not to reach too far back but really accentuate the swing upward. Do not let the knees bend of either leg. You should feel a really good stretch from the back of your thigh to the lower portion of your glute and outside of your hip. Repeat with the left leg.

Right now you have two new exercises to learn and add to your current routine. If you have any questions about either exercise or would like pictures that illustrate these movements feel free to send me an email. Happy training!


Vote for Robert Belley Fitness!!

First, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Robert Belley Fitness. It means dearly to us and we wouldn’t have achieved our success without YOU.

Second, would you do us a huge, HUGE favor and VOTE FOR US over at South Shore Living magazine’s website, http://www.ssliving.com/ in the 2008 Best of the South Shore (B.O.S.S.)!!

The great thing is you don’t have to vote for every category or line.

Just the ONE line where we would be nominated Simply log onto http://www.ssliving.com/ by clicking there or HERE, then look to the left hand side of the screen and you’ll see an image for the 2008 BOSS Awards. Click on it and you’ll be redirected to the survey ballot.

On page 5 of the survey, titled “FITNESS”, go to question 66 “Fitness Center/Gym”.

In the blank space provided type in, or copy and paste from here: Robert Belley Fitness.

It would be so appreciated and we would certainly be grateful for YOUR VOTE : )

Also, if you could forward this to friends and family whom could also do us the favor that would be fantastic. This is a truthful voting process. Only one vote per computer can be made and that’s the way we like it.


So here it is again.

Step 1: Go over to http://www.ssliving.com/
Step 2: Click on the image on the left hand side of the page titled 2008 South Shore Living BOSS Awards
Step 3: Click “Next” till you get to page 5 “FITNESS”
Step 4: Go down to question #66, “Health Club/Gym”
Step 5: Type “Robert Belley Fitness” in the space to the right of question 66
Step 6: Click “DONE” when you have finished entering our company name.

Thank you again so much for helping us out, after all our business continues to grow by way of referrals from our clients, friends and family. Thank you for recommending us.


Rob Belley

212 degrees – The Extra Degree

If you haven’t seen this yet it follows in the vein of ‘The Secret’ as an inspirational and motivational movie.

It truly is amazing how much more can be achieved with the slightest added effort.

Give it a watch.

Then hit the gym or break for the street to begin your daily fitness training.

Today, I have a date with training at the Pembroke facility.

I can’t wait!

~Rob Belley

Robert Belley on ThisNext.com

Hey y’all,

I’ve recently been profiled by the next great web resource tool ThisNext.com

It was an honor to be asked for my favorite daily fitness product recommendations. What I posted happens to be the very products I and my clientele use on a daily basis in our training sessions…and a couple of surprises throughout the week!!

So check out my profile at http://www.thisnext.com/by/RobBelley/profile/