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VD is a Blessing for Everyone

VD is a Blessing for Everyone

So maybe your a masochist and watch every Kate Hudson movie you can find on Valentine’s Day when you’re single.


Perhaps you buy yourself a little B&J therapy, crying yourself through every ex-boyfriend/girlfriend record on your iPod playlist “HATE THIS FUCKER!”.


Or suppose you are jaded, still infuriated every time one of your friends LIKE’s the status of your ex’s latest Facebook quip (profile pic with random hott-looking person) just steamrolling your every last drop of self-help lifestyle.


Well, here’s what you can do this VD for yourself.


And of course, if it burns when you pee, then you have the bad VD. I can’t help you with that one 😉


One time, okay, one of the times I was in love with a girl it didn’t work out.


This is a time when most people tend to fall apart and gain about 10-15, maybe 30-40 pounds. I on the other hand- post dating failure – use these “blessings” as opportunities to turn it up a notch and crank my body to a new level =)


For me, it begins with a new playlist.


Once I’ve coordinated my list of rage-infused-angst songs, it comes down to exercise selection.


After the exercises have been carefully selected to accentuate the very body parts said ex loved the most we overhaul them and improve them.


Believe it or not, this type of focus is just what the doctor ordered.


In about 3-8 weeks the new developments are in place and you’ll feel amazing, not to mention “you look marvelous!”


And the best part, eventually, and this always happens, you will bump back into said ex again and they will notice your improvements, and most likely it will give a little pep in your step.


So, if you’re single this valentine’s day, no worries, use it as a catalyst to create the body of your ex’s fantasies.


If you’re in a relationship, remember that valentine’s day shouldn’t just be the 14th of February, but near as many days per week as possible.


VD can be a blessing for both single and committed individuals =)


Belley Fitness | Marshfield fitness saviors



One thought on “VD is a Blessing for Everyone

FrankPosted on  9:39 am - Mar 20, 2012

Wow. Very cool!

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