• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive marshfit


Researchers last week discovered that 99% of all study results are accurate 100% of the time when there is a product to be sold or purchased by consumers that are eager and willing to alleviate their own hopes and dreams at better health, weight management and lifestyle through supplementation, dietary changes and philosophical implementation.

This development has led other researchers to swiftly surge companies with their own studies indicating, after contract renegotiations, and through direct deposit, to show the results of a fascinating new study in which a solution to the obesity epidemic, near-professional athletic performance/potential can be reached, GQ and Vanity Fair beauty is possible and death is now reached at an age of 315.

The easy way out doesn’t exist.


But! I have a formula guaranteed to work. Here it is:

Eat non-processed/boxed foods, organic fruits and vegetables, organic free range chickens and grass fed meats, wild caught fish, whole grains (quinoa, wheat berries, steel cut oats), organic cottage cheese, non-sugared flavored yogurts. There some others for the list but this will get you going towards immediate improvement.

And then add:

45 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise 4 sessions a week.
60 minutes once a week.
15 minutes 4 sessions per week.

(TOTAL 9 Sessions = 5 hours [out of 168 in a week, 2.98% of the week])


Consistent, long-term nutritional efforts.

Dedicated, repeated fitness sessions.

Positive attitude, belief in yourself.

These are a few of the tools necessary for achievement.

Add in some social support and some healthy challenges that will motivate you like the Belley Beach Body MarshFIT Challenge and you’re good to go.

But it’s not easy.

PS – You can’t rich easy either.

All those millionaires and celebrities actually work their ass off to get where they got to and still do just to maintain their status and wealth. It’s true. I’ve known many.

There is no easy way!

As soon as it is accepted, the faster your body will change towards your dream vision and the more money you will most likely earn. Just saying…



On Saturday feel free to eat whatever the hell edible foods you want as much as you would like so long as you’re not putting yourself in a life-threatening position through any food or liquid consumption means.

Use common sense for your own allergies and that drinking a gallon of milk in a hour or water is purely not healthy and that over-consumption of alcohol could lead to liver toxicity, stomach pumping, alcoholism and or possibly more potentially serious illegal and health devastating effects.


So this it…

Here is the shape I’ve fallen into since summer 2010.

For me this is out of shape.

And it was a good wake-up call after the freezer of milk chocolate candies and gar-bage eating led to this… and lack of hardcore training too.

Last week I placed an order for new supplements and I began accepting that I need to do a better job of BEING MYSELF (the flagship and prinicipal beach body at my Marshfield Fitness studio).

So here’s what I’m doing.

Posting pictures of myself.

Now be aware they are compression shorts. I figure if I’m gonna be accountable I may as well be so to the limit… embarassing as it may be.

And these pix are from the same day.

The top row displays pix without changing the camera’s lighting option (natural light).
The bottom row is the camera’s setting with the ‘sunset’ option turned on which pictures it closer to true light. So they were taken within minutes of one another.

And this is what I’m going to do…

***1. Each meal I will tweet over at www.Twitter.com/RobertBelley which is my personal Twitter account. Kinda funny but I’ve had one for years… before the hype blew up!

But there you’ll be able to read what I feed myself and see a pic of it through my DROID.

***2. Give some example of the session I have each day over at Twitter too!

***3. I will also be posting this stuff in part here on this blog, but also over at our company Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

***4. I will be coming out with a special announcement soon for you all to ALSO Beach Body the Belley Fitness way 😉

If you’d like spread some comments below about your ideas but also be nice… ha ha.

It takes a lot of “_________ insert word choice here” to post near naked pictures of yourself online free of a tan, being in your NORMAL shape and unshaven.

Live the dream kiddies,



Marshfield Fitness