• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive mens health

I didn’t want a one-size-fits-all approach

“The Robert Belley Fitness Studio is an amazing place. It’s a fun, dynamic, hardcore fitness studio that offers expert personal training and proven nutritional frameworks. The atmosphere is great and there’s truly a wealth of fitness and nutritional knowledge here to tap into. The clientele is diverse and while everyone seems to have different fitness goals, we all benefit tremendously from being a part of this place. There are people here training for marathons, triathlons, and obstacle races, and others just looking to shed a few pounds and to stay healthy. Rob doesn’t promote a one-size-fits-all approach — he continuously assesses your abilities and your goals, and custom tailors a program just for you. When I walked through the door for the first time a few years ago, I had no idea how important the Studio and Rob would become to me — I train here every day, not because I have to, or because I have some short-term competitive goal that I am training for, but rather because I absolutely love to work out here every day. The truth is that the Studio (or the Gym as my children call it) has become an incredibly important part of my life on a daily basis. The results have been phenomenal, but the process is now the part I truly enjoy. New challenges, continuous incremental improvements, always evolving my fitness regimen with Rob’s expert guidance. Just when things start to reach a plateau, he changes them up and presents me with an entirely different set of challenges. Rob offers an incredible service that simply can’t be found outside of the city. I was lucky to find him and only wish I had been training here when I was still a competitive athlete, which was a lot further back than I care to admit. THANKS, ROB!” – Bill Altieri

Orlando Fitness…

So I had a great weekend in Orlando at the Fitness Info Summit hosted by Bedros Keulian right inside Disney World.

I met some great people, made new friends, reconnected with old ones and learned a ton of new information… as the title of the conference implied I would 😉

I also found a moment to talk with and thank a couple of guys I respect. One being Bedros Keulian, the host and a presenter, and Craig Ballantyne, another presenter and one of my fitness industry idols.

First, Bedros is just a giver. Much like Ryan Lee.
It’s amazing at how much knowledge is given away by these men. I value and appreciate them greatly.

And each being from a different coast they have similar visions yet different approaches and styles of presenting their knowledge to be learned. Absolutely fantastic.

I look up to Craig for many reasons, but one is his presence in the magazine/print world. He’s written for everybody and serves on the Men’s Health advisory board for years. He’s a funny (well my kind of funny) and fantastic guy.

That interview is still one of my highest honors. It just may be an interview, but for me it was a bit of solidity and recognition for all my hard work. I told him too on Saturday night. Just before this photo. He really has inspired me and helped me transform into a better fitness professional.

I took copious notes during the sessions, and have already begun implementing my new knowledge into programming and development so I can better serve all of you with my own knowledge.

But a big thank you to everyone who I met, who presented, and who I will be working and collaborating with on future endeavors.

It was amazing.


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, Massachusetts