• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Tag Archive rock star

Rock Star Workout

Granted, many limelight whores drench their systems with tangible excesses and illegal substances, however, not many people understand the escape a starlit world delivers. And very few people, unless closely associated with the camp, understand the work ethic, tenacity, drive, devotion and focus these individuals possess.

I am very lucky at Belley Fitness, in that I’ve had the opportunity to work with rock stars, albeit successful ones.

These are images of the past of workouts conquered and handled for 90 minutes or longer, nonstop.

Full scale assault on the body.

Many people would complain or even whence at the idea of this training.

Many people believe 30-45 minutes of activity 3-5 days per week is enough to look great and improve at a good pace.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Most of us in the know, train upwards of hours a day. I myself require roughly 9 hours a week to stay consistent or to maintain. Sucks but someone has to do it 😉 May as well be me.

These individuals also get it. They delve into workouts sometimes 2 hours in length. Not to mention yoga poses or light pre/rehab work first thing in the morning.

So the next time you see a Rockstar in amazing shape, remember, most often they’re not genetics, their body isn’t easy to attain because they’re celebrities and have access to trainers and personal chefs.

They have great bodies and are celebrity Rockstars because they simply try and little harder and have extreme focus.

Live the dream and create your own reality!


Ridiculously Fun and Challenging Private Fitness Studio


Marshfield, 4 minutes to the beaches 😉

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