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Tag Archive Sir Mix a Lot

Holy F$#% Where Did That Come From?!

Holy F$#% Where Did That Come From?!

Its second set of hips season again 😉

As you all know, Holidays actually spells Crisco… for technical term, reference Belley’s Dictionary:

Ho-li-days adv
Definition of HOLIDAYS
: the seasonal period between the gobble gobble gee and the fat bearded man who chimney sweeps and races deer : often times encompassing the famed days of absurdly pathological drinking and collegiate level bowl hangover viewing

 HOLIDAYS used in context
“OMG, Becky. Look at her butt. It is so big. She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends… They only talk to her because she looks like a total prostitute, ok. I mean her butt. It’s just so big. I can’t believe it’s just so round. It’s just so out there. I mean, GROSS.”
First known use of Holidays
circa B.C. “Does thie brontosaurus burger make me look fat?”

Do you want to be the obsessively stared at second butt to Becky and her BFF?

I’d think not.

Don't be too tight spandex girl at the Burger King

So let’s avoid the unofficially knighted Sir Mix-A-Lot’s theory and suggestion to “Playin workout tapes by Fonda. But Fonda ain’t got a motor in the back of her Honda” because he clearly did not foresee high fructose corn syrup and McDonald’s terrorizing weaker Americans fat cells.


But I guess when you’re knighted by 23 with no University or England affiliation and your entire catalog is about bums what can you ask for?

This Has To Be a Fake. His head is ginormous

He may have won a Grammy but that doesn’t make him a dietician or successful physique coach. But it does make him a double platinum selling artist and MTV award winner.

And none the less, he’ll never overtake the King and his Burger Sponge Bob promo. Mix-a-Lot changed his lyrics just for the king… although kind of perverse to lure young children for toys into the burger lair.

This guy will tell ya something about fat booties

I heart America J

Next post, I’ll tell you all about the real rigors of becoming Miss Massachusetts 😉 Little did I know being over the age of 25 and being a man constitutes no-entry to the event… formalities.

Live the dream square pant obesity protesting friends,


Rob Belley 


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