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  • rob@rbfit.com

Yearly Archive February 18, 2012

Brian killing a BELLEY-BURST: Marshfield Workout

Here’s some footage of Brian killing a BELLEY-BURST during his morning Marshfield workout.


Brian completed 3 series…. he’s tough to break that one 😉



How’s your fat loss coming so far in 2012??


BELLEY-BURST may just be what you’re body’s craving!


Help us help you live your dream,




A serious fat loss Marshfield workout for a serious-goal oriented Marshfield people. Belley Fitness.

Marshfield Rams Nate Dunn fun-dunk at Belley Fitness

Some of our youth athlete football players attempting dunking utilizing a tire-made springboard at Belley Fitness.


Came up with the tire springboard as kids in East Bridgewater playing hoops in the driveway.


Check this out:


VD is a Blessing for Everyone

So maybe your a masochist and watch every Kate Hudson movie you can find on Valentine’s Day when you’re single.


Perhaps you buy yourself a little B&J therapy, crying yourself through every ex-boyfriend/girlfriend record on your iPod playlist “HATE THIS FUCKER!”.


Or suppose you are jaded, still infuriated every time one of your friends LIKE’s the status of your ex’s latest Facebook quip (profile pic with random hott-looking person) just steamrolling your every last drop of self-help lifestyle.


Well, here’s what you can do this VD for yourself.


And of course, if it burns when you pee, then you have the bad VD. I can’t help you with that one 😉


One time, okay, one of the times I was in love with a girl it didn’t work out.


This is a time when most people tend to fall apart and gain about 10-15, maybe 30-40 pounds. I on the other hand- post dating failure – use these “blessings” as opportunities to turn it up a notch and crank my body to a new level =)


For me, it begins with a new playlist.


Once I’ve coordinated my list of rage-infused-angst songs, it comes down to exercise selection.


After the exercises have been carefully selected to accentuate the very body parts said ex loved the most we overhaul them and improve them.


Believe it or not, this type of focus is just what the doctor ordered.


In about 3-8 weeks the new developments are in place and you’ll feel amazing, not to mention “you look marvelous!”


And the best part, eventually, and this always happens, you will bump back into said ex again and they will notice your improvements, and most likely it will give a little pep in your step.


So, if you’re single this valentine’s day, no worries, use it as a catalyst to create the body of your ex’s fantasies.


If you’re in a relationship, remember that valentine’s day shouldn’t just be the 14th of February, but near as many days per week as possible.


VD can be a blessing for both single and committed individuals =)


Belley Fitness | Marshfield fitness saviors



There are 128 days left until SUMMER 2012.


What are you going to do before then to go from muffin top to body rock?


Basically you thousands of tiny decisions to make these next 4 months.


And if I were you, rather then feeling overwhelmed with a abundance of choices, I’d simplify them down to a strategic, New England Patriots philosophy of one game at a time, or, one choice at a time.


This will provide you with the greatest return on your investment.


By simply approaching one choice at a time, you’ll be able to micro-manage your options easier, as well as create a quicker success pattern towards your rock solid body come June 2012.


If I were you, here’s my cheat sheet plan to get you started!

1. Drink loads of water… well how about 3L or maybe 4L per day.

2. Train through strength training, 4x per week.

3. Sleep 7-8 hours per evening.

4. Eat 5-7 servings of veggies per day.

5. Cut out all enriched flours.

6. Cut gluten out of your diet.

7. Perform 4-6 small BURST sessions per week, as Belley Fitness clients do at home.

8. Lower cortisol production by only worrying or focusing on those things you have absolute control over.

9. Choose proteins such as chicken, white fish, eggs and grass-fed meat.

10. Drop the scale and (if you’re a female) find a pair of jeans you can’t fit in and use them as your measuring stick of success. If you’re a male find a nearly tight fitting t-shirt and try to fill out 😉

11. Believe in yourself


Practice these simple steps and you’ll notice a big difference in a little time frame to get your motivation peaking and your body fat dropping!!


Help us help you live your dream,



Belley Fitness | a Marshfield fitness health club


Coaching and Mentors. Whose Yours?

Call me old-fashioned, but in order to respect a coach I have to believe in their track record. They must have walked the walk for me to trust their talk.


At Belley Fitness in Marshfield we operate on the same principles.


This year alone we are signed up for over a dozen events thus far.


As well, the average trainer in our fitness studio has logged an average of 19 days of self-training per month. But that’s not equivalent to total sessions we each train per month. If you count home based sessions we do on the side, plus our double sessions, sometimes triple sessions it’s roughly 30-35 sessions per month for each of us.


How often does your trainer workout?


Ripped Hand from Deadlifts

Tears Like This Mid-Workout Don't Hold Our Trainers Back From Our Sessions


When it comes to hiring business coaches I’ve only invested in some of the best in my industry. Brian Grasso, Chris McCombs, Pat Rigsby, Ryan Lee, Dax Moy (Canada, West Coast, East Coast, South, UK). These men have all led by example and are proven.


My personal trainer/strength coach/fitness professional is no other than Eric Cressey. Why? Because he’s one of the best in the world for helping people, such as myself, who have suffered from major injuries in the past and still strive to excel get the results they want. Plus Eric is legit! His facility rocks and his own training is proven. He’s a beast.


Besides, after all the clients at Belley Fitness’ programs are created the last thing I want to do is write/develop my own.


So when choosing anything in life, even your personal trainer, choose the one’s who do the dirty work and lead by example!


They are the ones who will show you, and tell you what it takes 😉


Help us help you live your dream Marshfield,




Belley Fitness | Marshfield


I Heart Ice Cream. New Ice Cream Especially

I believe in complete accountability.


I believe in honesty with clients at the studio and friends and family too.


Let’s chalk this up as my emotional eating mistake 101… revisited for the 1,000th time in life my friend 😉


Hey, even the best of us professionals make mistakes.


The difference?


We saddle back up and get consistent again.


Here’s one of my greatest kryptonites of all time:

B&J Feb 2012

3,840 CALORIES : 184g FAT : 396g SUGAR!!!!!!

Ben & F’n’Jerry’s Done IT Again!!


My favorite…. Banana Cream Pie (note: Walmart Store Availability Only: Exclusive Flavor)


Least Favorite…. Chocolate Nougat Crunch.


Least Surprising…. The Greek Fro-Yo is Absoloutely NOT HEALTHY!! So don’t lie to yourself !


I know Greek yogurt is healthy, and peanut butter, and banana. But when Ben and Jerry get their cold cone fingers on these ingredients they fat-tweak the heck out of them!


Also, these cartons may or not may not be empty as of 3:04pm on Saturday afternoon…


My honesty is your lesson…


Don’t eat 4 pints of ice cream within 12 hours and expect not feel guilty about it immediately =)


Helping you live your dream,




Belley Fitness | Marshfield



KICKBOXING w/JENN! Wednesday Evenings!!

Are you a girl?


Do you like to kick and punch stuff sometimes just because…


well ya know, just because 😉


Maybe you’re FIT for Kickboxing with Jenn!!


Jenn not only is well-rehearsed in kickboxing/MMA training but she also is a legally certified EMT


So if shit hits a fan and you need resuscitation she’s your girl 😉 Ha ha


Kickboxing Jenn

photo credit: Erin O'Brien Photography

Wednesday nights at 6pm in the evening Jenn will be getting the sweat on and fist of fury through a fun and challenging session with gloves and bodyweight exercises.


Come get your butt kicked with Jenn!!!


Help us help you live your dream!


Belley Fitness | Marshfield




Welcoming Our Newest Trainer: Wolfgang Dawson

We’re proud to welcome our newest trainer at Belley Fitness in Marshfield!

Wolfgang Dawson


Wolfgang is driven, motivating, exciting to listen to, and making a quick splash at the studio.


He’s passionate training athletes and he’s doing a wonderful job of getting the women of Marshfield to curse his name in the most complimentary of ways as a trainer 🙂


Alongside Jenn, Holly and myself he helps the males pull the staff back to 50/50 😉


He’s progressing professionally and we are excited to see this young trainer  develop into a future great fitness professional.


Help us help you live your dream 😉


Belley Fitness | Marshfield


Jamie Eason is Awesome

If you’ve been a client of mine, EVER, then you know my appreciation and respect for fitness model Jamie Eason.


Is she gorgeous?




Is she a hard worker?




Every one of us struggles with beginning and completing our necessary training sessions.


Every one of us laments and fringes with following through on our personal eating plans.


Every one of us has some insecurity, suffers from some setback, and has to overcome at least one obstacle DAILY to continue achieving our physique goals.


And every one of us HAS TO SUCK IT UP and do something we severely dislike or even hate in order to get what we want.


The difference between us and fitness models, as Jamie Eason, is their consistent diligence, and birth-right to have the natural beauty to be fitness models.


That means the rest of us have the opportunity to be nearly as fit looking, nearly as beautiful, suffer equally with our personal plans, but, the only difference, we won’t get paid for our similar struggles with fitness, nutrition and mindset.


And to be honest, and even Jamie will admit, fitness models do not appear in real life as they do on the cover of a magazine, like Oxygen, Men’s Fitness or similar.

Fitness models will have hundreds, if not a over a thousand photos taken in one session.

Then from those plethora of  2-dimensional options, one to four photos will be selected.

Then one of those photos will succeed to be on the cover or in the magazine.

Then that one photo will undergo up to 8 hours of Photoshop to enhance that image: smooth out physical flaws, sharpen muscle bellies, fix complexion issues, etc.


Plus Jamie Eason is one of those trainees, like myself, that you’ll hear her say she “hates running”, but, she forces herself to do it anyway because it’s what is required to get her goal.


I understand Jamie in that regard.


I hate running.


Passionately hate running.


But, in order to get what I want, it has been, and will be, necessary for me to perform for years to come still.


Sometimes I even eat foods that I hate because, well, sometimes you have to suck it the fuck up and do the things you dislike to get what you want.


It’s life.


So appreciate this video of Jamie.


It’s informative and honest.


And you’ll notice some similarities between how I honestly share info with you at Belley Fitness in Marshfield, and how I lead my life very similar to Jamie’s.


And you know she’s a a girl and I’m a guy.


And she’s very lean and I pretty lean too.


But still, we BOTH have to follow the same principles of training, eating and mindset.


Check this out:

Flushed Vitamin

So this morning I had my first experience with the term ‘Flush-Free’.


Man was it riveting.


I woke about 5:40 a.m.  at the studio.


By 5:55 I was outdoors and shoveling the parking lot of the night’s snow for my first round of personal training sessions at 6… apparently plows in my lot don’t start until 7:45 😉


After 20 minutes of shoveling I began with our first client, Caitlin. I set her up with her first couple exercises then approached the studio fridge to ingest my vitamins.


Well, about 20 minutes after I began to feel this burning session throughout my skull; a serious internal burning.


I lifted my black Jordan winter cap to release the heat but as it turned out, it didn’t help much.


Next I began rationalizing how this came over me.


After all, my morning thus far consisted of changing clothes, brushing my teeth, drinking water, shoveling, chewing on 10 grams of cashews and swallowing my normal vitamins.


Then during Caitlin’s set of decline bench rotational abdominal work I noticed my neck turned bright red and so were my arms.




My first experience with flushing!!


I had quickly realized that with my last purchase of pills, I decided on trying new brands of melatonin, multi-vitamin and niacin.


The multi-certainly was not the culprit as I’d taken it a few times throughout the week.


The melatonin I had already consumed a few times this week.


The niacin however I only consumed twice; once before falling sleep on Wednesday and this morning, Friday.


Consuming it prior to sleep any flushing I did not notice as I was already, well, sleeping.


This morning holy shit… did I notice it.


It looked as though I was sunburned over my entire body; pretty funny actually.


Here are some pictures of my flushing: 30 minutes post first burning sensation.


My neck is beet-red!



I have a sunburn... in Massachusetts... in January


Of course there is nothing vitally wrong with my flushing it was just my reaction to this particular company’s niacin (Nature’s Bounty).


Thankfully I have another niacin brand in my fridge (which is ironically flush-free – Nature Made) so I should be all set.


Funny though even the best of us get caught up in the flush sometimes 😉


Leading my life to help you live the dream,

