• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive Brian Grasso

Marshfield Personal Trainer’s Thanksgiving Workout for Men’s Fitness magazine

In the Novmeber 2009 issue of Men’s Fitnesss magazine I’ve contributed a preliminary strike to belly fat litagation this Thanksgiving 🙂
It’s cool. Intense. But cool.

It’s on page 74 and if your in the grocery store, CVS, the newstand or anywhere else you can find our beloved Men’s Fitness magazine I suggest you give it a view. Flows in design with my In & Out Workouts at http://www.inandoutworkouts.com/.

Also, you’ll find my neat trainer bio for at the back of the mag, featuring contributors to the latest Men’s Fitness. Seeing my name alongside my mentor Brian Grasso and superstar Tom Venuto is always fascinating to me. I’m fortunate to have the opportunities available that come to me.

Hulk Hogan, and early childhood hero of mine, has an intriguing and testimonial interview in this issue. Good read.

And if you’re a fan of the twilight series you can check out a spread of Ashley Greene, the starlet of New Moon.
Marshfield Personal Trainer’s Thanksgiving Workout for Men’s Fitness magazine
Robert Belley Fitness

My fantastic weekend in Stamford Connecticut with Elite Fitness Pros

I’m here at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp in Stamford Connecticut. It’s been great catching up with all of my colleagues who I rarely get to see as we are spread out across the country.

One of my favorites is Dax Moy. Man this guy has great energy and hilarious stories. Plus today is his 38th birthday. Brother rocks!

A couple other are Steven Cabral and Eric Cressey. Two other fantastic fitness professionals, who actually live in Massachusetts…although it’s still nice to hang and enjoy casual conversations 😉

Brian Grasso always rocks! I’m actually flying to Chicago in April to check him in out in some athletic action. Plus hang with some of my Chicago/Schaumburg friends.

Ryan Lee is always a tremendous host and outdoes himself each event. This guy totally outs his passion into this industry. He even cried on stage this year. Very emotional moment.

Been hanging with my good friend Victor Hurtuk the whole weekend too. He and his family are beautiful people. I usually stay with them the first night driving down through Connecticut. Always a blast with this guy!

Tomorrow I have some IYCA seminar to devour and revel within. Pumped!

Plus a dip in the pool in the AM.

Celebrity trainer to Jennifer Garner, Cindy Crawford and countless other celebs Valerie Waters is here too. She’s always beautiful.

Ran into a local Pembroke trainer too. Dave. Great guy. We may be coming up with some cool fitness plans for the town of Pembroke. Can’t wait to brainstorm with him.

Well I’m just in between sessions and the last of the day is about to start.

Take care, and me taking the time to stay advanced and elite in this field only helps the rest of us as a big training family 😉

Rob Belley

Your Negativity IS Your Weakness

What is true potential?

Do you push yourself to your truest potential?

I’ve met some people in life who seem to ‘half-ass’ their workouts.

These are the same people who, coincidentally, claim everyone stronger than them is on every supplement in the world, possibly steriods, and also tend to talk as much trash in the gym.

Oh and don’t forget the classic, “Well if I didn’t injured playing high school sports I would’ve gone to college on scholarship”.

Fat chance.

Every athlete gets injured. As I’m typing this email I’ve suffered severly ruptured discs in my lower back, tendon issues in the shoulders and elbows like crazy, dislocated shoulders, strained and pulled muscles, structural dysfunctions and more. Heck I even received over 300 stitches on the front of my forehead when I was 17 and even heart problems.

Is that reason to quit?

Is that enough reason to look at colleague friends like Eric Cressey, Brian Grasso and Stephen Cabral who still go on to accomplish great things physically and in career and say they must have some crazy advantage from birth that I didn’t.

Heck no.

They prove every day that you are only limited by your own motivation, desire, will-power and knowledge.

Eric is one of the strongest natural lifters I’ve ever met.

Brian is without doubt one of the most passionate professionals I’ve ever met.

Stephen is one of the smartest and well spoken fitness professionals I’ve ever met.

All three are some of the coolest people I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to converse with.

Having friends like them only lift your game.

All three could have called it quits at anytime the past ten years.

But they didn’t.

They did that little extra everyday to further themselves physically and mentally.

So next time you want to tear someone else down for their achievement that happens to be better than yours, take a look in the mirror first, then ask yourself,

“Am I doing ALL that I can to succeed?”

“Can I be better?”

I’m sure you’ll with a little guided discovery you’ll find you’re holding YOURself back from true potential.

Just take some responsibility for your own training and nutrition….and stop blaming every trainer, guru, workout site connected to every forum for your inconsistency…

Rob Belley

The Revolution of Youth Fitness – I’m in!!

By now you know that the Fitness Revolution has started.

‘Youth Fitness’ and ‘Youth Sports Training’ are the most expansive markets this industry has seen in years. And I already gave you the heads-up.

Unfortunately, nearly 1 million Fitness Professionals worldwide got the heads-up, too.

Thankfully I was the very FIRST WORLD CERTIFIED Fitness Professional to earn this prestigious honor through this amazing industry’s IYCA organziation.

And very seldom are you given the chance to get in on’the next big thing’ early.

Most Fitness Professionals and organizations like to keep things to themselves. They’re not looking to share or bring you ‘inside’ the secret chamber of what it is they’ve got going on.

But this Revolution has been different.

My good friend Brian Grasso and the IYCA are searching the globe for passionate and dedicated professionals like you.

They want you to become one of the frontline soldiers in the war against youth obesity. They want you to become an agent for change and esteemed notable expert in the world of youth sports performance.

They want to open the doors for you and your career in a marketplace that is considered the’largest opportunity-oriented demographic in the industry’ by countless organizations both insideand outside the world of fitness.

But are you listening? If you haven’t yet gone to check out this immense Revolution than you are literally letting one of the greatest opportunities you will ever see slip straight through your fingers.

The IYCA only has room for 74 more Fitness Professionals to take hold of this Revolution. 74 That’s because they aren’t looking for just anyone.

They’re looking for the best, most passionate and most dedicated professionals out there today.

They’re looking to personally mentor, provide directionand blaze an opportunity-rich path for those few Fitness Professionals who want more for their careers.

74 and counting down.

Sometimes in life it’s not whether you can afford to take action… … It’s whether you can afford NOT to.

74 more action oriented professionals can get on boardbefore the train leaves the station.

My sincere opinion is that you should be one of them.

Have a look at your careers future – IYCA MISSION and YOUR PLACE IN IT


Back neraly 2 years ago I took action and absorbed all that I could. I’m a much better person and professional today for my inclusion and studies of the IYCA and its mission.

Together we are going to change the shape of youth obesity, disease and fitness.


Robert Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
1st World Certified YCS through the IYCA