• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive robert belley fitness

Marshfield’s Sean Griffith, Endicott College’s Next Success

There are few moments in life when you come across a reflection.

I however have been lucky enough in my first 31 years to come across about 11: each one of my best friends.

Each resembles a piece of me that is unmistakable to the naked eye.

And not too long ago, I had the opportunity to communicate with a young man who reflected me as a teenager so much I thought I was on crazy pills (Will Ferrell/Zoolander reference).

Granted, his athletic prowess and in-school achievements far surpassed my own. I pretty much finished competing in high school sports by sophomore year, but our drive, determination to succeed, belief in oneself, confidence to be in control, hard/intelligent work ethic, and the insatiable desire to attain the most coveted honors and glory per our peers were identical.

It’s not often I come across anyone under the age of 28 who was determined as this kid at the age of 17. That’s not an understatement. I’ve found work ethic lacking in people just below my age. But for some reason they feel entitled to more than I or my peers had/have. It’s disturbing. So Sean’s determination is refreshing to say the least.

Increasingly ironic he reflects many of my own teenage experiences uncannily: from travel, to stunts, to personality, to sense of humor and so on and so on.

In a nut shell, working with someone of this interesting “work hard, play harder” blended type “a” and “b” personality is certainly rewarding. This individual will attack the grueling circumstances ahead while being able to smile and truly appreciate the journey. There’s a calming ocean of accomplishment cooling the veins as we take on more arduous and ridiculously uncertain tasks. I find laughing when I feel pain helps soften the “what did I do now” facet. Ask Holly upstairs in her Scoop digs.

She grabs the tendons in my shoulders and I giggle from the pain because it both fascinates me and hurts like hell. 🙂 But I appreciate the effort Holly provides me. I am fortunate for Holly. She’s a keeper for life.

Sean is also a keeper for life. One of those people you just know will go on to accomplish amazing things, so long as he continues to utilize the tenacity that’s made him so successful to date.

Seeing Sean perform in his Shriners Football game, after winning a Superbowl championship, after playing rugby his senior season, while balancing work – family obligations – senior beach summer fun and his training schedule at Robert Belley Fitness was impressive.

He puts a lot on his schedule but always finishes what he starts.
As my mother would say of me at his age “He burns the candle at both ends.”

And perhaps the one trait that impresses me most of Sean is his politeness. He absolutely is courteous and thankful for everything. Between his natural abilities to lead, listen and adjust, having this only exemplifies the childhood he was fortunate to have within his family dynamic.

At the studio, in a text message Sean will always say thank you, offer his truest feeling and respond with sincerity. He displays sportsmanship. That trait is adopted by his parents Angela and Matt foremost. I know because I learned my own from my parents Maryellen and Yvon. And family encouragement is everything in the formative development. Be it aunt’s, uncle’s, grandparents, cousins, siblings, the constant positive reinforcement is vital to a child’s development.

They led me to winning superlatives in my senior class, accomplishing advanced athletic achievements early, believing I would someday somehow be someone of vital importance to many and so on.

Sean’s will also carry him through amazing relationships with his professors, coaches and future employers (although I hope he eventually has his own company).

I’ve trained and performed alongside some of the coolest cats on the planet, and he by far is in the upper echelon. So naturally I’m excited to see him take his talents to the next level of life: his twenties and college.

So with this post, I felt I should honor a reflection. One I already know is destined for something greater. As long as he never stops believing in himself, he will always find a way.

Good luck to Mr. Sean Griffith at Endicott College tomorrow. As it will be his first day of camp with his new teammates, brothers, coaches and run at a conference title.

I believe in him.

Sean ALWAYS lives the dream.

Always In Your Corner Bro,


Marshfield’s Sean Griffith Endicott College’s Next Success

Marshfield Fitness Client Spartan Race New York City

Katie O’Hara who trains at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts completed the Spartan Race in New York on Saturday (August 15, 2010).

We at the studio couldn’t be prouder of her =)

She finished alongside her brother Billy and nephew Derrick.

While Katie was competing in the Spartan Race in Brooklyn, I happened to be eating a piece of German Chocolate Cake and Red Velvet Torte with my brother Michael from Sweet Fordy’s in Pembroke.

Awful I know being Katie’s fitness professional but if she was adamant about being the yin I had to be the yang.

It was seriously out of my control.

Destiny fated it.

So if you know Katie, or see Katie on the world wide web via Facebook or whatnot be sure to tell her congratulations 😉

Katie has beaten me at challenges held at our studio in Marshfield.

She’s a tough cookie!

And good luck to Katie tonight during her Softball Championship. Their going for their 3rd or so championship in a row. Very cool!

Live the dream rest of world!

Katie O’Hara already is =)

Robert Belley

Spartan Race Brooklyn New York August 15, 2010
Robert Belley Fitness Marshfield Massachusetts

Metro Dash Boston 2010 Experience

Tire Flips?

24″ Box Jumps?


Sled Drags?

Star Jumps?

Sounds like a session at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield. But indeed it was a event in South Boston at Condon Elementary on D Street this morning. The event? Metro Dash.

Designed by a Navy Seal, Sean (who by the way is a really cool individual and was a pleasure to spend over an hour talking with) that tests fitness enthusiasts on their capacity for both long distance running and body weight/apparatus exercises.

I will be honest with you. Going in I was excited about this. After receiving my preliminary information I thought this may be too easy. After completing it I underestimated the length of running involved and the terrain which made this fun again.

One of my major hiccups going in was that the rep counts and time finish is based on the honor system. For Sean, with his background, this is a no-brainer. The individuals who make it to his level rely heavily on trust and honesty to accomplish unbelievable tasks as teams and personal goals.

On the civilian level, f#$kers cheat.

So, he did instruct us before the event to keep people honest. Tell them if they’re not doing something full movement. I executed this level of power during the very first Tabata challenge, at the corner of Seaport Blvd and Sleep Street. Gorgeous location and wonderful view of Boston. I was hitting the mark of 16 full body weight squats in 20 seconds and some people we’re doing mini-squats. No go! I spoke up. But you have to. Or more will follow believing it’s okay or commendable.

It’s not fair, or even the same event, if some cheat and others perform the correct movements. It’s frustrating to view someone next to you, or ahead of you, and know they cheated, but got away with it.

So I did what I could, without seeming too much of an ass, to help regulate exercise form.

After the push-up intervals, of 8 per 20 seconds for men, the run back to the start line was pretty challenging. I was running faster than normal and underestimated the effect of the squats earlier.

Challenge point 3 was “The Gauntlet”. The 8 foot wall was my favorite to scale. Love hopping fences and tall obstructions.. and I got to twice this event! Totally rad!

Took about 6-8 minutes depending on your fitness but a challenging succession.

Now the entire route was cool because there was no route. You had to do your homework and figure out ahead of time what streets you would take to ensure the least amount of distance and easiest path.

Very cool feature unlike most road races. I’m not a fan of road races for myself because I find them relatively boring. But this was great for someone like myself who enjoys mystery and confusion. I’m weird, what can I say kids })

At challenge point 4, on Columbia ave near William J Day Blvd, we had to perform star jumps. Brutal when lactic acid is flodding your tissues. We did 76 in a row at Robert Belley Fitness this December. Really fun. Basically you squat down, touch your toes and leap up while opening your appendages so you resemble a star. These suck. Haha. I averaged 10 per 20 seconds. There was no set number but to just keep doing them. I asked the timer.

Next we ran along the beach to G Street. There we met a burning set of walking lunges in the sand, and a bear crawl back.

I told Sean it was great to do after so many events because in the Belley Fitness Challenge I had already planned on doing this and it was excellent for me to experience first hand. It sucked. But manageable obviously. Sean runs this route each city in advance. So he knows. Of course he’s fitter than most 😉

Fifth we ran up G Street and navigated our way to the top of Thomas Park by the monument (commemorating the Patriot drive of British out of Boston). This is a spectacular location. Boston is so beautiful from this vantage point. Atop the hill we did sit-ups. Again, cheaters!

I did full sit-ups every set for the prescribed 10 each interval and others were doing mother f’n crunches and still claimed the same “Champion” medal at the end of the event. Total bush league. People disappoint me.

Even when my hamstring was pulling I laid my legs flat and muscled my upper body up past vertical. That caused my abs to cramp up. But worth it to know you set out and did something legit. Never cheat yourself.

But after we only had to run a half mile back to the start/finish line at Condon Elementary.

Narly right?

My hamstring started to pull, but thankfully the men I began running back with were motivating and kept my focus on not letting the pull detract me from slowing down. And I’m thankful for that. We just made the cutoff time by seconds of a “Champion” medal for “Dash Time”.

Last, and self-created, was our jump over a fence to cut a street out. I loved it! We all scaled that thing with ease. Unfortunately the same man who encouraged me twisted hurt his Achilles on the drop and began hobbling towards the finish line. I helped him across the line. I would have rather sacrificed the medal to help another individual in need. He and I came across together and I hope I can locate a picture later of us doing so.

So all in all it was much more fun than I anticipated the night before.

Now shout outs:
The first pacers I met were a couple from northern Massachusetts, whom the gentleman runs his own fitness service. Ultimate Fitness I believe. Will have to find out more through pictures later. They were a tremendous help most of the race for me to keep pace. Totally needed that push. They finished ahead of me and they were a lovely couple.

I met a great couple from New Hampshire earlier. Gave the gentleman my Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif bar. Told him it would be his favorite bar by far by Clif. LOL. Helped Kelly, his wife, to begin foam rolling too. She was fast, and with foam rolling for her tightened muscles she will only become faster and feel better before every run.

I spoke with a upcoming fitness professional, Dennis, who interned out of the Crossfit at Fenway, near Fenway Park. Cool facility. I’ve seen it a bunch of times while driving to Red Sox games. He was a very motivating young man.

And after the event I spoke with Sean, the director and creator, and helped him pack up. It was an enjoyable near couple hours. Really got to learn his hopes for the event traveling across America and he was definitely one of the coolest cats I’ve met. Par for course too for a special forces individual. They don’t speak much of their credits. They often blend in very well with society. But they have this inner drive and ability that is absolutely out of this world. Insatiable really. I talked a lot, go figure, but the little he did speak of I was truly appreciative for his time and allowing me to help him out.

So all in all, I suggest you try it yourself. You can go to http://www.metrodash.com/ and find your metropolitan on the list. Do it! The views of your city will leave you happy with your participation. Especially if you live out in the sticks or along the ocean as I do. Boston is majestic to view.

And by the way, the t-shirts you get totally rock!!!! They are absolutely form fitted for athletic people like ourselves. You’ll look sexy in it 😉 For sure.

Live the dream!


Metro Dash Boston 2010 Experience by Robert Belley of Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.

Death Race

This will be brief…

June 2009… Decided to enter Death Race 2010.

Fall 2009 – Spring 2010… Trained with Purpose. Ridiculous Purpose

June 25, 2010… Created a nutrition strategy to work brilliantly on June 26, 2010 (Death Race day)

June 25, 2010… Death Race coordinators threw us a surprise event. 9 hours early.

June 25-26, 2010… I reached a level of dehydration so severe it took me until 2 days ago to finally recover (15 days).

June 26, 2010… After numerous attempts to quit due to severity of dehydration my alpha Mike Signori wouldn’t let me quit.

June 26, 2010… After 25 hours and 34 minutes of the coolest mayhem I’ve encountered to date I officially reached my “time of death” at 8:34 p.m. on Saturday night.

June 27, 2010… I decide to enter Death Race 2011. This time understanding they may make us start earlier thus my nutritional strategy will reflect a practical approach.

My nutritional strategy completely backfired, thus resulting in a dehydration issue which led to a failed finish. But a remarkable experience.

Summer 2010… Training with a greater purpose 😉

Link to short video of this years race…

Type password – run – to view video

Robert Belley

the evolution of fitness in Marshfield.

Marshfield Pizza, Belley Fitness Fast Food

As you already know about me, I love pizza!

So much its my number one cheat meal throughout the week. Ha ha. It’s true. Multiple offenses with cheese, oil and carbs. Ouch!

But heck, it beats a Whopper or Big Mac on the waistline.

I stick to cheese as my go-to slice, but on occasion I’m known to spread my taste buds beyond basic service and indulge in fancier, richer options.

If you’re gonna go fast food, go with a slice of cheese pizza.

It’s might be the best 250 calories you can consume if you’re head aches for fast food. Hey, I’m a modern realist.

If you have them throw some veggies on there you’ll also net a few gram points of fibers 😉

Love it!

This video makes me chuckle.

Commonly these guys rock the high five, as you know I’ve trademarked at the end of our workouts together. But for one webisode, they Houdini’d pizza! I may be there 3rd almost twin.

Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield specializes in High-Fives and Pizza Devotion!

Live the Dream,

Just not around your waistline 😉


Marshfield Fitness Newsletter Physique Report has a New Look :)

Hello February!

With the new month comes a few new changes at Belley Fitness studio helping to improve the Marshfield fitness landscape of health clubs, fitness centers, personal training studios and youth camps.

One of my tiny new changes is a new look to the newsletter logo for Marshfield fitness enthusiasts.

Here’s it is:

I like it 🙂

Do you?

It still encompasses the original logo (inspiration of the male/female silhouettes), with the new tag line of the studio, CHALLENGE YOURSELF.

As the company has evolved so has the image.

Helping people discover they can always do better, always give more, and find results faster, is a small portion to our success.

I hope this logo is one small motivating change.

Live the Dream,


The silhouettes from the original logo were taken from a photo I had of myself and Jessica Compston in New Hampshire at Echo Beach. It was our shadows in the water while standing on a tiny bridge. I felt it would make a really cool logo seeing it was that camping trip I decided to create Purely Physique/Robert Belley Fitness.

Thank you for your continued support 😉

Also New at Belley Fitness:
New Body New Life 2010
My Insanity Workout

Marshfield Turkey Workout – Food Pantry Results

Hey all!

I want to thank all of you who contributed to the Turkey Workout Donation!!!

I am overwhelmed at your generosity :*)

You all helped make a HUGE difference for at least 12 families tomorrow, that in itself, is brilliant and beautiful. Thank you.

Here’s the stats from our collection,

12 Turkeys
27 Canned Foods (cranberry sauces, whole kernel corn, sweet peas,etc)
3 Bags of Stuffing
14 Boxed Foods (scalloped potatoes, penne, deserts)
2 Packets gravy mix

Robert Belley Fitness, all its training family and friends, instructors and loved ones must seriously be thankful for everything that has happened here the last 2 weeks.

Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!!

I’ll see you all tomorrow morning at 9:00am for our Turkey Workout 🙂

Love you all,


Article: Marshfield Turkey Workout – Food Pantry Results
Marshfield Food Pantry, Turkey Workout

Hilarious… Ali, Thank You :)

I have to share this with you all :p

Ali, one of the coolest Robert Belley Fitness family members, sent this over to me just an hour ago in an email.

Sure, maybe she should be studying at her University.

Sure, maybe she should be perfecting the art of ninja skills we worked so hard on all summer.

Sure, maybe she should be slicing slopes and taking out wingman in the cold…

But I appreciate her timeouts for humor 🙂

Check this out…


Orlando Fitness…

So I had a great weekend in Orlando at the Fitness Info Summit hosted by Bedros Keulian right inside Disney World.

I met some great people, made new friends, reconnected with old ones and learned a ton of new information… as the title of the conference implied I would 😉

I also found a moment to talk with and thank a couple of guys I respect. One being Bedros Keulian, the host and a presenter, and Craig Ballantyne, another presenter and one of my fitness industry idols.

First, Bedros is just a giver. Much like Ryan Lee.
It’s amazing at how much knowledge is given away by these men. I value and appreciate them greatly.

And each being from a different coast they have similar visions yet different approaches and styles of presenting their knowledge to be learned. Absolutely fantastic.

I look up to Craig for many reasons, but one is his presence in the magazine/print world. He’s written for everybody and serves on the Men’s Health advisory board for years. He’s a funny (well my kind of funny) and fantastic guy.

That interview is still one of my highest honors. It just may be an interview, but for me it was a bit of solidity and recognition for all my hard work. I told him too on Saturday night. Just before this photo. He really has inspired me and helped me transform into a better fitness professional.

I took copious notes during the sessions, and have already begun implementing my new knowledge into programming and development so I can better serve all of you with my own knowledge.

But a big thank you to everyone who I met, who presented, and who I will be working and collaborating with on future endeavors.

It was amazing.


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, Massachusetts

Marshfield Personal Trainer’s Thanksgiving Workout for Men’s Fitness magazine

In the Novmeber 2009 issue of Men’s Fitnesss magazine I’ve contributed a preliminary strike to belly fat litagation this Thanksgiving 🙂
It’s cool. Intense. But cool.

It’s on page 74 and if your in the grocery store, CVS, the newstand or anywhere else you can find our beloved Men’s Fitness magazine I suggest you give it a view. Flows in design with my In & Out Workouts at http://www.inandoutworkouts.com/.

Also, you’ll find my neat trainer bio for at the back of the mag, featuring contributors to the latest Men’s Fitness. Seeing my name alongside my mentor Brian Grasso and superstar Tom Venuto is always fascinating to me. I’m fortunate to have the opportunities available that come to me.

Hulk Hogan, and early childhood hero of mine, has an intriguing and testimonial interview in this issue. Good read.

And if you’re a fan of the twilight series you can check out a spread of Ashley Greene, the starlet of New Moon.
Marshfield Personal Trainer’s Thanksgiving Workout for Men’s Fitness magazine
Robert Belley Fitness