• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Tag Archive high school

Simple Cardio… Stop Worrying For Perfect

Cardio doesn’t have to be some giant clothing-terrain-peri-workout-nutrition equation.

It just needs to be done to be effective.

I’ve seen the fitness industry become so fine tuned via gadgets, apps, and looking for the perfect scenario that many people are growing insecure in attempts to even begin a workout.

If you don’t have your Fit Bit, fuck it, you’ll still achieve a long distance run so long as you do it.

If you’re phone’s location setting isn’t locking in and tracking your every step via MapMyRun, you’re still going to travel a distance and probably remember the route.

If you can’t find your Hoka’s or New Balance sneakers the street will not care, you body will likely not fall apart, just shorten up the distance, or pick a trail instead to alleviate the impact on your body.

Heck even wear two pairs of socks for extra comfort. I’ve done so many hikes with double layers when socks begin to thin, or, I’m left with my junk pair of trail running shoes.

The bottom line is get to your workout start and finish it.

10, 20, even 100 years ago people still hiked mountains, ran streets, sprinted across fields all with very sub par accessories and basic tracking measures.

So don’t sell your body short. Get out there and just START, then FINISH your training session.

Worst case cut it to 10 minutes instead of 30, or 20 minutes instead of 60.

You’ll be much happier in doing so.

For most of the training public, you’ll at least maintain if not progress.

Stay focused on the bigger picture.

PS – When pinched for time, if the Blue Hills are too far for me to get to hike I hit a local hill in Marshfield. If sprinting becomes a issue and I can not get to Marshfield High School track or Pembroke High School I sprint the driveway of Belley Fitness in Pembroke. If it’s the football fields I want for my session, I simply sprint the lawn at Belley Fitness. There’s always a way around your cardio constraints.

Anti-Lovely Lady Lump tips for the Fella’s

Today we’re going to cover a few bullet points of falling off the wagon. Chuck pony style; the kind that leaves you all warm and fuzzy inside, like a Meg Ryan movie (completely normal to cry to Joe And The Volcano).

Warm Thoughts Only

Warm Thoughts Only


So here’s the scenario:


You’ve decided to finally commit yourself to eating better and working out.


You’ve been hitting training sessions pretty good, well, as best you can while still leaving optional room for thirsty Thursdays, liquid lunch Fridays and sweetness sweet Saturdays. Not to forget, blow my f*#*ing brains out Monday 🙂


None the less, you’re Hero-ing 3 days a week! With all due respect I’d say you’re one Celine Dion hit away from complete self-annihilation, however, here are some tips to cool your passive aggressive anger and abandonment fantasies. Take it away Johnny!

  1. When you want to eat something really-really-really bad, brush your teeth. If that doesn’t work, lift your shirt and gaze at your love lumps in the mirror. If that doesn’t do it, review your life insurance policy and see what it says about obesity and if there’s a Twix or Twinkie clause. Or in most cases, I’d suggest eating a clementine or orange first. Usually the sweetness of the citrus will curb some sugar cravings and lay those lovely lady lumps to rest.
  3. When you’re having a tantrum on training, remember if you do, you’ll be better than your closest friends at every sport in about 5 years. If that doesn’t help, remember being the HOTT DAD at the playground, BBQ’s, reunions, High School athletic events and the infatuation of all the other moms and wives is ridiculously rewarding.
  5. Put on a t-shirt from high school, or your favorite jeans or dress shirt that your girlfriend from three girlfriends past gifted you. Does it fit? If not, go on Facebook and find her latest profile pic. Does she look hot? Is her new boyfriend a good looking guy, maybe a little James Dean-esque-bad-boy? If so, I swear you’ll be at the gym and swallowing copious amounts of BCAA’s and protein powder in nanoseconds!
  7. Call your most successful friend and ask him to meet you at the gym. Usually, seeing someone kick some ass, leads to you kicking more ass! Just don’t slap asses in the gym. Cue the 1980’s-training-room-montage-scene!
  9. Call your ex-girlfriend, any should suffice, and ask her what went wrong. This list should provide ample weeks of hate and fantastic motivation.
  11. Go back in your head to a time you got your grill knocked in by the schoolyard bully. Imagine how good it would feel to approach him as an adult after a few months of hitting it hard and knocking his ass out! If he just so happens to be a UFC fighter then maybe you can revert to a memory when the lunch-lady shafted you a full serving of garlic rice ball or shitty corner piece of pizza with two sides of crust…. some people are just evil.
  13. Watch The Fighter or Rocky. Hell watch Designing Women if Anthony or Mary Jo inspire you. But watch something for fuel!


  15. When all else fails pamper yourself bro. Cucumber eyes and facials. LIFE CHANGING!

LIVE THE DREAM! And adapted from the lyrics of John Lennon “peace and chicken grease”,


Rob Belley

Ridiculously Challenging Private Fitness Studio
Marshfield, 4 minutes to the beaches 😉
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