• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive robert belley

Bigger Goals Greater Success!

Just read this over at MSN.com while eating my traditional first of the morning apple,

10 Reasons You’re Not Losing That Weight
// Woman’s torso (© Peter Glass/age fotostock)

Roadblock No. 6: You’re shooting for a realistic size 6 instead of a near-impossible 2.

What’s wrong with that? We know size 2 jeans look like they were made for a 10-year-old, but, according to a study of 1,801 people published in the International Journal of Obesity, women who set unrealistically high weight-loss goals dropped more weight in 24 months than those who kept their expectations low.

Detour: The study authors concluded that having an optimistic goal motivated women to lose more weight. And the participants who failed to reach their magic number did not quit trying to drop the weight. Could aiming for Sienna Miller’s figure really help you reach your goal weight healthfully? “If you’re a driven person and a lofty goal motivates you,” says Blatner, “it can work.”

Some Cool Food for Thought… no pun intended 😉

To helping you achieve success,

Robert Belley

30 Creeping Around the Corner…

Okay, 4 months from today I will be 30.

I’m ecstatic!

I think I’m doing pretty well for a fella my age.

Every year I can recall the constant barrage of negative energy,

“Wait till you’re 21 then it’s gonna be hard to stay your size”

“When you’re 25 you’ll know what I’m talking about”

“When you hit 30, your metabolism shuts off… then you’ll be fat”

Let the good times roll! Seriously.

I can’t even begin to tell you how false all of those statements are if you stay active, keep an HONEST eye on what goes in your mouth, and refuse to believe negative comments.

I’m actually looking forward to 37 for some reason?? Don’t know why, but I see guys like Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman and other celebrated actors and athletes like big movies and at these Olympic games and I know I’ll be in way better shape at 37 then I am now at 29. Check these 40 year olds out below.

Pitt is 40 in this pic (12/18/1963)
Jackman is 2 months from 40 in this pic (10/12/1968)

Will I still have great abs like the fella’s above at 40?

Will I be deadlifting 545-600 by 35??

Will I still be below 10% body fat???

Will I still be as energetic now as I am today (feeling like I’m 14 years old)????


Mark my words kids…

To helping you (and myself) achieve success,


Robert Belley
Robert Belley Fitness

No Excuses….We’re tired of them….

Look, I know the title seems harsh, in fact, it’s brutally honest. I’m gonna cut to the chase….

There are two types of people in this world:

*People who get things done
*People who DO NOT get things done

It’s that simple.

Over the years I’ve met some funny characters. I’ve met some movers, some shakers, some amazing ‘IT’ persona’s and I’ve met people who literally are energy sappers, complainers, always something wrong, never the ‘right’ time, something ‘always’ in the way, and the infamous “I’m trying” clan.

But be honest with yourself. Which category do you fall into?

Are you a problem solver? Or a problem instigator?

Are you a ‘Get it Done’ person? Or a ‘I’ll try this week?’ individual?

I’ve met, and worked with people who seem to have everything battling against them.

-they have multiple kids
-crazy career schedules
-numerous sports activities to drive back and forth to
-grad-bday-social parties to attend
-no nannies or babysitters
-gas prices are still hiked in their households
-AND they may sleep 6 hours a night too

See they could:

– roll over and play dead no doubt.
– blame their children for the extra weight on their hips from pregnancy.
– say their kids schedules prevent them form having time to exercise.
– say their children/spouse/friends eating habits derail them from success.
– make a point that their jobs leave no time to prepare meals or workout.

But they don’t.

Instead they say ‘Hey, I can fit in a half hour here, I can grab an apple off the counter, I can eat some leftover chicken or steak, I can send a quick email and even watch the kids while I work out….because let’s be honest again:

When you were a kid, as I’m sure as when I was, the gateway to the outdoor world opened at 7am and didn’t allow you back in until 6pm for dinner…and then it was back outside all night. And the world isn’t that dangerous that a kid can’t hang out in the yard or neighborhood. When we were kids there were still all the complexities of drama and potential “what ifs” something could happen to us.

How often did anything happen?

Sure you fell out of tree, hurt your arm. Sure you fell off your bike and chipped a tooth. I bet you even ran top speed away from a crazy neighbor with a broomstick or pellet gun. Did you die and lose everything from it? Of course not, you’re reading this. So the kids will be okay. In fact, if they don’t have these experiences they’ll never learn the intricacies and dangers of fuc_ing up and trying to get THEMSELVES out of a jam.

The world has only changed because the media has showed what’s been around all this time because of accessibility of the news.

Plus the same media is allowing you to make excuses for being overweight and giving up easily by getting plastic surgery, taking pills, selling you bogus and fake info products and telling you it’s okay to kill yourself from within because as long as we throw a new coat of paint on you you’ll be okay.

But guess what?

You’re not okay. The same underlying problems still exist.

If you were lazy before you’ll be lazy again and the effects will eventually wear off. If you had always negotiated out of situations with ‘Well Monday I’ll change my ways’ then you’ll negotiate these thoughts in your head again.

There are no excuses. And it really doesn’t matter if you change. It’s entirely up to you. But I’ll be honest, lately I’m getting really tired of people who say “I’m trying”. Because you’re probably saying it to the wrong person if it’s me. You think I don’t know when people are lying to me. If a client hasn’t changed their appearance you think I don’t know they haven’t taken any of my advice.

I mean, if you’ve got the money, I’ll gladly live with anybody in their house and follow them around all day and make sure they attain every one of their goals. I guarantee IT!!!!! Double money back guarantee if I live with you you will find success over a 3 month period.

But that’s not the real world is it Peter Pan?

But the real world isn’t that complicated either.
It’s actually very simple. I’m not saying you’re going to be a model but damn it you’ll definitely feel and look better than you have in years if you just start DOING.

It’s all about consistency. Hell even Chris Coleson proved that. Just be consistent. Don’t stray from that. I’d say about 5% of people who say they eat and workout healthy actually do.

Again, I’ve been doing this for 15 years, I can call a bullshi$$er in this industry when I see or meet one. The true occurrence of thyroid holding you back or whatever issue other than paralysis is so slim and rare that you’d have better chances getting struck with lightning with a rainbow overhead. And I don’t care what doctor references that you have something or need to have gastric bypass whatever because they’re protecting their back end with pills/medications and the insurance companies to stay in business.

Just because I’m telling you this means nothing to my back end.

In fact I’ll give you a workout right now that if you follow 3-5 days a week I guarantee you will lose weight and shape up so long as you stay consistent and have weight to lose. It’s all about ‘will power’.

Here it is:
All Bodyweight
*Push-Ups (however you have to do them) 50 a day
*Squats 100 a day
*Lunges 30 a day
*Back Extensions 30 a day
*15 Yard Sprints 20 a day
*Planks 10 for 30 seconds
*Side Planks 5 for 15 seconds

Finish the entire workout above in 20 minutes or less.

Cardio/Intervals: 15 minutes
*30 seconds of sprinting or high knees in place – followed by
*Walk or March in place for 90 seconds
Repeat above 6 times

Cool Down with a 3 minute walk

Is that really THAT hard?

Now take your body weight and multiply by 10.

That’s how many calories I want you to eat CONSISTENTLY for 90-120 days.

I don’t care what you eat! Be it apples, pizza, ice cream, so long as you stay off of bread, pasta (minus once a week) and just eat that many calories without ever going higher or lower than the exact number spread out over 4-5 meals YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT AND SHAPE UP!!

That’s it.

So stop trying and start doing.

Because people who try never accomplish.

You’re better than this. Prove it to yourself.

Remember, all you have in this world is yourself.

You may have friends and family but if your health fails they can not save you.
They can not fix your blood pressure. They can not fix your heart.
Only you can control what your body feels like and how healthy it will be.

Now go on and be someone Extraordinary. Because you can be.

Everyone in this planet is 99.99% identical in nature and ability to not be severly overweight.

You just have to quit trying, and start Doing.

Robert Belley is an Elite Fitness Trainer out of Pembroke, Massachusetts who has appeared in numerous national media and traveled the country training and cooking for clientele. His website can be viewed at www.RBfit.com.

Annual NINA & MICHAEL Summer Special

It’s that time of year again!! So here it is: my ANNUAL Nina & Michael Summer Special. Bookended by my beautiful goddaughter Nina’s birthday and my extraordinary brother Michael’s birthday.
May 27th – June 19th, 2008.

50% OFF all regular rate Private/Personal (1 on 1) and Semi-Private (2-4) training.

50% OFF!!! But act quick cause my schedule has been filling up with everyone trying to get in shape for summer 😉

Robert Belley

Readers Choice Award, Best Weight Loss Service

Robert Belléy Fitness

www.RBFit.comE: Rob@RBFit.com

The Revolution of Youth Fitness – I’m in!!

By now you know that the Fitness Revolution has started.

‘Youth Fitness’ and ‘Youth Sports Training’ are the most expansive markets this industry has seen in years. And I already gave you the heads-up.

Unfortunately, nearly 1 million Fitness Professionals worldwide got the heads-up, too.

Thankfully I was the very FIRST WORLD CERTIFIED Fitness Professional to earn this prestigious honor through this amazing industry’s IYCA organziation.

And very seldom are you given the chance to get in on’the next big thing’ early.

Most Fitness Professionals and organizations like to keep things to themselves. They’re not looking to share or bring you ‘inside’ the secret chamber of what it is they’ve got going on.

But this Revolution has been different.

My good friend Brian Grasso and the IYCA are searching the globe for passionate and dedicated professionals like you.

They want you to become one of the frontline soldiers in the war against youth obesity. They want you to become an agent for change and esteemed notable expert in the world of youth sports performance.

They want to open the doors for you and your career in a marketplace that is considered the’largest opportunity-oriented demographic in the industry’ by countless organizations both insideand outside the world of fitness.

But are you listening? If you haven’t yet gone to check out this immense Revolution than you are literally letting one of the greatest opportunities you will ever see slip straight through your fingers.

The IYCA only has room for 74 more Fitness Professionals to take hold of this Revolution. 74 That’s because they aren’t looking for just anyone.

They’re looking for the best, most passionate and most dedicated professionals out there today.

They’re looking to personally mentor, provide directionand blaze an opportunity-rich path for those few Fitness Professionals who want more for their careers.

74 and counting down.

Sometimes in life it’s not whether you can afford to take action… … It’s whether you can afford NOT to.

74 more action oriented professionals can get on boardbefore the train leaves the station.

My sincere opinion is that you should be one of them.

Have a look at your careers future – IYCA MISSION and YOUR PLACE IN IT


Back neraly 2 years ago I took action and absorbed all that I could. I’m a much better person and professional today for my inclusion and studies of the IYCA and its mission.

Together we are going to change the shape of youth obesity, disease and fitness.


Robert Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
1st World Certified YCS through the IYCA

An Inspiring Father and Son Relationship

I wish I could claim ownership for all motivational tips I present, but often times, I simply redirect or re-present quality information. But that is true of every industry and every profession.

With that said, I received this post in a newsletter I belong to from my fitness buddy Dax Moy.

He’s an amazing individual, not just a fitness professional. He too is excellent at distributing quality info to people who otherwise may have never seen, read or heard inspirational and motivational items and moments.

This particular email struck a chord with me as I’m sure it will do so with you.

It’s the inspiring recap of Dick Hoyt and his son Rick and their spectacular strive to overcome the greatest of illness and stand atop the pinnacle of human effort!

What they accomplish with their limitations should show you that YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU SEE FIT or POSSIBLE.


Do yourself a favor and watch the clip below.

Till next time,

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
Pembroke, Massachusetts

12 Days of Fitness is Yours FREE!!

Guess what?

It’s that time of year again!

What I mean is it’s the time of year for the wonderful 12 Days of Fitness put on by my buddies Dax Moy and Pat Rigsby. Over 250 fitness professionals, including myself, have been contributing workouts, diets, meal plans, programs, audios and informational reports for all our beloved subsrcibers and clients for absolutelty free.

You see the 12 days begin today Monday, December 10th and runs through the 22nd. But if I were you I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d pop over there today to begin going through all the cool gifts.

Dax and Pat have done another superb job this year. And I’m just ecstatic to be apart of the 12 Days.

I personally have contributed some FAST workouts for those of us in a hustle this holiday season. Believe you me, I know how hard it is to find time to get in a good workout right now. So I’m positive my gift alone will help you 3fold for the next 4 weeks.

But again, I’m just one of a handpicked group of 250 health and fitness experts from all around the world to participate in the largest gift-giving program ever.

So as I said before, you’re going to download great info from some of my elite colleagues too!

And these gifts are even divied up into categories for you:
Strength Training
Back Pain
New Mom’s Fitness
and so much more…

The only thing you’ll need to do is pop on over and register your name and email address at:


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Robert Belley operates the Readers Choice award winning service Robert Belléy Fitness in Pembroke on RT 53.

Information can be reached via the internet at www.RBFit.com or email at Rob@RBFit.com

Maximum Fitness magazine, Advisory Board Member
Men’s Fitness magazine, Consultant/Advisor
CNC Publisher, Weekly Columnist

Robert Belley Fitness Personal Training Studios
345 Washington St. Unit 5, Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359

Vote for Robert Belley Fitness!!

First, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Robert Belley Fitness. It means dearly to us and we wouldn’t have achieved our success without YOU.

Second, would you do us a huge, HUGE favor and VOTE FOR US over at South Shore Living magazine’s website, http://www.ssliving.com/ in the 2008 Best of the South Shore (B.O.S.S.)!!

The great thing is you don’t have to vote for every category or line.

Just the ONE line where we would be nominated Simply log onto http://www.ssliving.com/ by clicking there or HERE, then look to the left hand side of the screen and you’ll see an image for the 2008 BOSS Awards. Click on it and you’ll be redirected to the survey ballot.

On page 5 of the survey, titled “FITNESS”, go to question 66 “Fitness Center/Gym”.

In the blank space provided type in, or copy and paste from here: Robert Belley Fitness.

It would be so appreciated and we would certainly be grateful for YOUR VOTE : )

Also, if you could forward this to friends and family whom could also do us the favor that would be fantastic. This is a truthful voting process. Only one vote per computer can be made and that’s the way we like it.


So here it is again.

Step 1: Go over to http://www.ssliving.com/
Step 2: Click on the image on the left hand side of the page titled 2008 South Shore Living BOSS Awards
Step 3: Click “Next” till you get to page 5 “FITNESS”
Step 4: Go down to question #66, “Health Club/Gym”
Step 5: Type “Robert Belley Fitness” in the space to the right of question 66
Step 6: Click “DONE” when you have finished entering our company name.

Thank you again so much for helping us out, after all our business continues to grow by way of referrals from our clients, friends and family. Thank you for recommending us.


Rob Belley

Robert Belley on ThisNext.com

Hey y’all,

I’ve recently been profiled by the next great web resource tool ThisNext.com

It was an honor to be asked for my favorite daily fitness product recommendations. What I posted happens to be the very products I and my clientele use on a daily basis in our training sessions…and a couple of surprises throughout the week!!

So check out my profile at http://www.thisnext.com/by/RobBelley/profile/