• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive live the dream

Wishing YOU the best in 2011

Hello and Happy New Year…

a week later 😉 better late than never.

After much deliberation we the family at Robert Belley Fitness decided upon emailing the holiday greeting card this year so we could focus our budget on advertising for the new year. So this is your super-fantastic-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas and New Year’s Card!!!!! =)

I wish each of you a wonderful and progressive 2011. I hope you find at least one passion that you can discover, embrace, build upon and enjoy throughout the year. And I wish for you all a 2011 of love, amazing moments and memories you can revel in for decades to come.

Thank you for being a part of the Robert Belley Fitness family.

I am truly lucky and fortunate for having each and every one of you in my life and letting me be a part of your life.

Live the dream in 2011,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, MA

What I learned from a Boston Dunkin Donuts and Burger King…

Last night found me helping one of my best friends Hien last night in Boston.

His reputable and amazing flooring company, Boston Premier Flooring, has been hired to face lift the floors of the popular child clothing chain, The Children’s Place. The first location revamped is the Downtown Crossing establishment.

As I arrived, after training my 6 and 6:30pm semi-private time slots – Tara, Melissa, Linda and Kate – Hien asked if I stop by Dunkin Donuts in Boston at the Boston Common to pick up coffee for the everyone working.

Well, enjoying my 6 minute walk to the Dunkin Donuts carrying my water and backpack through the beautifully warmed city, I came across people who were actually happy. A couple people even said “excuse me” to me in passing.

Then, when I went to Dunkin Donuts, the girl behind the counter actually gave me a Box O’Joe, large pumpkin spice coffee and donuts for free. And it was fresh brewed coffee, just for my order.

I tried to pay. Twice. She simply said “Merry Christmas.” It’s October??

When I asked for cream and sugar she did tell me hadn’t any left so I went next door on the Common to Burger King. Two people held doors open for me, as I approached the entrance: a woman at the first and a man at the second double doors.

Of course I took the door from the woman, letting her walk out instead, and the gentleman I actually accepted after offering him the same courtesy in return.

Once in Burger King I walked up to the counter and asked if they had any sugar packets since Dunkin’s ran out. The Burger King manager on duty said no problem and gave me lots. Then he asked if I wanted a carrying tray for my beverages. Of course I said yes… efficiency.

Then he asked if I needed anything else, napkins, spoons, stirrers, etc…

I said no thank you. I felt bad like I should order something, but it was Burger King and I really wasn’t in the mood for anything. I eat Burger King maybe once or twice a year… not a fan of that type of fast food.

But I was amazed at the streak I just embarked within 15 minutes… IN BOSTON??

Then as I was walking back to The Children’s Place at Downtown Crossing, a gentleman asked a Boston Police Officer for the time, the Officer had no watch unfortunately. About 24 feet behind the man walking down the street I spoke out “9:03”.

He turned and said thank you, waited for me, then walked alongside me as if we were in hallway break in high school, going to the same floor together. We just carried a conversation about watches and security… it was refreshingly funny.

What an experience.

Not that Boston is a mean city, but come on. All the years I’ve been going in and out of it I usually bump into a number of negative people or at least see or hear some drama. But all along the streets I walked people were laughing shouting at each other as they parted ways, being overly friendly, and even giving things away with no expectation whatsoever.

It was a comforting reminder of my own lifestyle.

Of how I treat, and am treated by the training family at Robert Belley Fitness studio.

Putting others first, with the trust they’ll hold you in equal fashion and regard.

It was welcoming.

So be nice, hold doors for one another, give someone something with no expectation involved,

and live the dream,


Woman’s first Chin-Ups… Marshfield Fitness Studio

Today’s post is brief.

But a BIGGIE none the less.

Francine rocked her first chin-ups today at the studio 🙂

Couldn’t be prouder of her.

It’s so amazing to witness training family at the studio achieve milestones. Onlooking was Gail, who was involved in her own posterior chain session during their semi-private training appointment. And not only did Francine do one chin-up, but she did 3 singles in a row!!! That’s usually how I see it happen.

Most people will train for months, coming near complete, then one day, BOOM! It’s never usually one, but a couple or a few chin-ups in a row.

Congratulations Francine! You Rocked It!!!!!

Live the Dream kiddo,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield fitness studio
1775 Ocean Street

Marshfield Personal Trainer – Why Am I Grateful…

It’s amazing how often people take for granted daily happenings.

It’s easy to get lost amongst the throws of schedules, advertisements, technology and needs and wants.

But it’s extremely IMPORTANT to notice the gifts or treasures we have to revel in each and every day.

I try my best to appreciate what I belong to daily. Who and what surrounds me. The opportunities that are available. And the message that I’m allowed and gifted to share with others daily, minute by minute, of each and every day of my life as a fitness and health professional.

Some of those include, but are not limited to:

  1. Having an amazingly supportive family/best friends, for my ambitions and crazy work schedule
  2. Being surrounded daily by amazing clients, who, without, I’m not sure I’d appreciate truly why I do what I do… it’s wonderful to see your hard work brought to fruition and enjoyed by those you care about.
  3. Being graced with a wonderful Marshfield studio and an amazing person who gave me an opportunity in Vaughn.
  4. Having a chance daily, when things gets out of focus, to look at what we are building at Robert Belley Fitness, and how far we’ve come in such a short time.
  5. Having the ability, to invest in a client, who ends up beating you at your own test… that was an awesome moment Thursday morning. Go Tara 😉
  6. Being able to shape and develop the youth of Marshfield at Belley Fitness. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the kids laugh, play and enjoy their time here at the studio. There’s not many feelings greater than feeling as a true mentor.
  7. The Internet… I know it sounds silly, but this little information n highway is one way for me to keep in touch with all of you daily. Emails, blogs, research, YouTube … Without the Internet, I wouldn’t be able to help as many of you as I do.
  8. Having the chance to say Thank You daily… that goes above and beyond
  9. Having the chance to hear “Thank You” back to me daily… that warms my heart every time. It never gets tiring or ever goes unnoticed.
  10. Having the chance to follow my dream… that could be the greatest gift
  11. Being able to say Love You on a consistent basis… that’s important… sometimes not said enough
  12. Creating a world which we can live in, whether it’s your home, your workplace, a social scene/network… we have advantages in this country
  13. Knowledge… it truly unlocks potential… and its everywhere around us… waiting to be absorbed
  14. Mentors… not just to be one, but to have a number of them… I’m so thankful for that. My mentors are so giving and caring… I’m so fortunate for them.
  15. Being believed in… that’s immense. Totally. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t appreciate when someone asks me a question or looks to me for an answer, or gives me a thank you card for something I’ve shared with them. I’m beyond lucky to be a trusted friend/mentor/resource to the family at Robert Belley Fitness and in life.
  16. I could go on and on…

But you get the idea.

It’s amazing how often we overlook these things in our daily lives. When you drive your children to school or sports, when you have dinner with your family. When you meet a friend for lunch or talk to them on the phone. When you can see someone you love and tell them that you do. When the opprtunities around you keep coming to you and you keep replenishing them with life and passion.

Feel fortunate that you are you.

Feel fortunate that you belong to the circles that you do.

Feel fortunate that you have the ability to read this right now, you have vision and sight and the ability to transform thoughts and create words and speech.

Feel fortunate that you have been giving the opportunity to live this life.

If anything, just understand that you are blessed in this world.

Live the Dream,


Robert Belley Fitness, Marshfield
Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Expert

Alcohol and Me

Okay, so it’s probably not what you expected.

Does alcohol really make a difference in your attempt to lose body fat after our fat-reducing workouts at Robert Belley Fitness?


When you drink alcohol, your liver has to process that as concern numero uno.

Everything else comes second… far second.

So whatever you eat just sits in your stomach, like late nite menu’s, after hours Chinese food, chips, dips, ice cream all of it.

Falls right onto your ass, back of your arms, belly button area, under the chin, you get the idea.


Are you gonna keep drinking on the weekends or having your nightly glass of wine sabotaging your minimalist meals and rice cakes all week?

I sure as hell wouldn’t if I had something I wanted to lose.

So make a choice, and start taking the steps to get it accomplished.

I believe in you,

if you believe in yourself.

Live the Dream,


Marshfield’s fitness and fat loss expert
In and Out Workouts Author

Fast Workout Monday! Lynne Rocks!

Today was a crazy day… just one of those days when nothing seems to work out.

But, despite the universe’s best effort to thwart my fitness I still kicked in a killer quick workout.

And thank goodness I did.

Man I was stressed. I had just a few minutes between instructing boot camps tonight at the studio and needed to get a fast training session in.

And today I was so proud of one my really cool clients, Lynne.

She told me she’s lost near 30 pounds in just 2 short months.

I’m so proud of her.

And you now what? She eats like she wants fat loss. So key!

We can’t train our way through nutrition, unless you have skyrocketing testosterone levels and your hormones are geared anabolic. Then you can enjoy your fried dough, cotton candy and beer at the Marshfield Fair.

If you don’t have a six pack this minute…. you need to watch your diet.

I now it sucks, but anything worth having in life is worth working towards.

Well, here was my workout today…

By the way, I was still a little sore from last weeks’ workouts.

A) Plank – 1 x 4:32 seconds

B1) Romanian Deadlift/Bent Over Barbell Row Hybrid – 3 sets x 6 reps
B2) Ring Flyes – Bodyweight x 8 reps

C) Barbell Deadlift 1 set x 8 reps (very light weight)

On the Deadlifts I used about 33% of my max. I just wanted to add something at the last second.

This workout took me only 9 minutes… not kidding.

Now get out there, hit the gym, and train like you need it,

Live the Dream,
