• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Tag Archive belley fitness

Fitter, Faster, Necessity

How would YOU become fitter quickly/er?

By condensing your workouts with intensity and increasing volume.

This is a method I’ve used for years to get ahead and rank as an athlete in multiple sports despite never training sport-specific for said sports.

It’s the same method we used with Adam at our studio to catapult him within months to one of the top SPARTAN racers in the world.
Of course, the effort put forth is up to you!

You can either produce a greater volume within the same time frame by using the same weight as your last workout, though increasing the reps, the sets and attempting to finish within the same time limit: think Belley Bursts or popularized Crossfit WODs.

Or you can increase the weight, keep the reps constant and add sets, with a slight allowance for increased time.


Either way, added volume each session is an easy approach to increasing your fitness level.
KEYPOINT: Always execute proper form and allow for deload/unload sessions every few weeks. This will keep you from burning out and help your results continue.


Belley Fitness is currently located in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

Offering Obstacle Course Training, Personal Training, Group Training, Athlete Training.

How To Lose 17 Pounds In 4 Days Marshfield Personal Trainer

What happens when you place a self-proclaimed fat kid into a season filled with over-zealous pastries, sauce-drenched meats, every fucking form of cookie, whoopee pie and ginger or pumpkin whatever in existence to his attention. Plus a trip to Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Connecticut, New York and Texas. Plus a map. And a car.


17 Pounds of weight gain is what happens! BOOM!


Even a fitness professional can put on body fat, despite what Facebook motivational posters and public perception believes.


And no, it’s not any easier to resist the temptations being a fitness professional and athlete.


God I wish the titles came along with circuit breaker switch to the hypothalamus.



Well, at the wise and self-leading decision of my lovely lady Alicia, I decided to join her, and be supportive of her desire to jump back on the Elimination Diet to clean ourselves up and rise against our newly sneaky stitch restrictive wardrobes.



The following pictures will show you everything I have eaten and present you with a guide free of fat burners, protein powder, and weight reducing supplements.


Food and spices shed this November/December poundage from my body.


And if you are training family of the studio, I’ll also be sending a link to a page where eventually you’ll be able to read and review the meals I’ve created for Alicia and I while we have both followed the Elimination Diet to each lose more than 6 and 10% of our bodyweight respectively in just 4-5 days.


Alas, my meal plan : January 2nd, 2013 – January 6th, 2013 :



Belley Fitness How I Lost 17 4 Days Meal Plan Marshfield Personal Trainer



  1. I FOLLOWED THE FORMULA: I lost body fat super quick because I know how to stick to a formula and see it through. I didn’t cheat. I was tempted twice really bad within the office upstairs with one of my indulgences but I pushed it away and ate broccoli once and yogurt the other time.
  2. I HAVE 4 MAJOR INJURIES PREVENTING ME FROM WORKING OUT: Four major injuries! I didn’t work out once between the times I weighed myself from 179 to 162. I physically couldn’t. Left Leg MCL, Broken Tailbone Relapse, T10-T11 Disc Herniation, Right Forearm Tendon Sheath/Scar Tissue Mangle.
  3. MY CALORIES WERE LOW FOR ME (avg. 1,272/day): Why were my calories so low? Because my body felt adequately nourished with the micronutrient (vitamins, minerals) and macronutrient (proteins, fats, carbs) content from the food choices I made. Had I been training my needs would have risen. Even with injuries my resting metabolic rate is up, however, my body felt great after a couple of months of indulgences to eat a week’s worth of truly nutritious foods.


Remember, stick to the formula!


Live the dream and create the life you want!


High-fives and sweaty hugs!




Marshfield Personal Trainer | Belley Fitness

Rob Belley

Happy New Year – 5 Awesomely Easy Tips for 2013!!

Wishing everyone, our clients, supporters, family, friends and subscribers a happy and wonderful New Year in 2013!


Train hard, eat smart and take time for recovery.


Recovery is probably one of the most overlooked, and underused portions of fitness and health.

  1. Aim to stretch 10 minutes a day
  2. Choose the muscles that are tightest (traps if your neck hurts, delts if your shoulders bother you)
  3. Aim to drink 64 ounces through the day. If you can do more awesome, if not, you will live 😉
  4. Add one extra 4 minute workout of “body weight only” exercises. it’ll do wonders for your health
  5. Sign up for one event each season

Adding these 5 benefits to your lifestyle each day will go a long way towards an incredible year of kicking butt and awesomeness!

Live the dream you want, create the future you’ll love




PS – For those of who are studio clients, here’s a link again to our five 2013 updates!

For Mary… Vanilla Protein Shakes

This one is for Mary!


And of course anyone else at the studio who uses vanilla protein powder in their shakes.


Remember you can spice up and trick out vanilla beyond water and ice cubes.


I personally blend with a Vita-Mix, as does Alicia, they are fantastic blenders and you can create narly stuff with them, but none the less, you can also make any of these with any commercial blender.


I also must admit I’m more of a chocolate man, but, after reading these I may have to filter in a tub of vanilla soon!


When Everything Is Alright

When Everything Is Alright

Here are some shake recipes I found and altered a tiny bit from Sherdog Forums and Pimp My Protein Shake:



From Pimp My Protein Shake.com

The ‘I Read Food & Wine Magazine’ Ultra Deluxe Version Carrot Cake Shake:

29-58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

Liquid (Water/Milk/Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk)

1/8 – 1/4 Teaspoon vanilla extract (depending on your protein powder)

A few drops up to 1/8 Teaspoon butter extract

A few drops up to 1/8 Teaspoon walnut extract

1/4 Teaspoon maple extract

1/4 cup (dry measured) oatmeal, preferably cooked, cooled and frozen (into cubes or Tablespoons – otherwise you will have a giant frozen chunk and your blender will hate you.)

1/2 – 1 cup shredded carrots

Sweetener to taste – stevia (such as NuNaturals), powdered erythritol or splenda

Ice cubes

1/2 up to 1 Teaspoon Apple Pie Spice (depending on how spicey you like it…)

Pinch of all natural sea salt (helps bring out the sweetness)

Optional: 1 Tablespoon of cream cheese

Optional: pinch of turmeric for color


From Sherdog Forums:

Iced Coffee Super Shake

2 cups Iced Coffee

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1 tsp Flax Oil

6 dark chocolate covered espresso beans

A touch of cinammon


Tropical Power Super Shake

1 cup Water

1 Banana

1/2 cup Fresh Pineappple, Frozen

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1/2 cup Nonfat Plain Yogurt

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

1/4 cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes


Banana Mango Berry Super Shake

12 oz Iced Green Tea

1 cup Frozen Mixed Berries (Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry)

1 Mango, Ripe

45 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1 tbsp Nonfat Plain Yogurt

1 tsp Ground Flax Seeds


Banana Cream Super Shake

1 cup Water

5 Ice Cubes

1/2 banana

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1 cup Lowfat Plain Yogurt

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

1/2 cup Hazelnuts


Blueberry Pie

Water/Ice (as desired)

1 cup Blueberries, Frozen

1/4 cup Vanilla Yogurt

29 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

1/4 cup Whole Groat Oats

1/4 cup Crushed Graham Crackers

Dash Vanilla Extract


Baked Apple Shake

1 cup Iced Coffee

4-5 Ice Cubes

1 Apple, Baked w/Skin

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

3 tbsp Ground Almonds

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

1 tbsp Sesame Seeds

Dash Cinnamon


Just Strawberry

1 cup Skim Milk

7 Ice Cubes

3-5 Strawberries

58 grams Vanilla Powder

1/2 cup Cottage Cheese

2 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds


Ginger Orange Cream

1/2 cup Water

5 Ice Cubes

1 Navel Orange, Peeled

Zest from the Orange

1/2 tsp Fresh Ginger (Squeezed w/Garlic Press)

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1/2 cup Plain Yogurt

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

1/4 cup Oat Bran (Optional)



3/4 cup Water

1 Banana, Frozen

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

2 tbsp Yogurt

1-2 tbsp Organic Peanut Butter

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

Splenda (to taste)


Peanut Butter Banana Nut

1 cup Water

1 Banana

58 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

1 tbsp Pecans

1 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds


Maple Pecan Pancake Shake

1 cup Water

1 cup Ice

29 grams Vanilla Protein Powder

1/4 cup 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese

1 oz Pecans, Halved

2 tbsp Ground Flax Seeds

6 tbsp Walden Farms Calorie-Free Pancake Syrup


Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fit and Fitness Christmas Wishes

Thank you technology! Early Christmas

Finally we can blog straight from the mobile.


Very excited this app is now available for use.


Thank you WordPress!


And thank you Janey Burke for this awesomeness of awesomest Christmas ornaments!!!!


And thank you Jess and Dr. Amanda for this amazing unicorn magic granola delish!!!!


What a fun little Thursday we have here 🙂


Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fit and Fitness Christmas Wishes!

Jenn: Transforming from Every Excuse into a Fitness Competitor

What Jenn has accomplished over the last 18 months is nothing short of pure awesomeness.


She has become an entirely motivating and dedicated individual; not that she wasn’t before, but in fitness AND nutrition she traversed her earth.


Below is an essay written by Jenn, as she shared co-victory of the Belley Fitness 8-Week Beach Body Challenge back in May of 2011. This was her first acceptance of her THEN current conditioning.


Beach Body Challenge 2011
Jennifer Gallant | May 27th, 2011

It was time for a change.  I, however, had every excuse in the world as to why I couldn’t get in shape.

I have always wanted to be fitter and healthier but there was always a reason in my mind why I couldn’t be: I am a single mother, I work full time, I don’t have a babysitter, I don’t have the money, I have too much to do.

I could go on and on and on.

One day I had enough.

I lost 20 pounds when I lost the excuses!

I had been training at Belley Fitness off and on for about 2 years.  Rob always told me exactly what I needed to do to shed the pounds and feel better but I always deviated from the plan.

One slice of pizza won’t kill me I would tell myself, 3 slices later I would feel awful.  Finally I had enough!  I called Rob and said what do I need to do?

This is how I started the MarshFIT Beach Body 8 Week Challenge™.  8 weeks of eating clean and working out with Rob 2 days a week.  No more excuses. Just suck it up and get it done it’s only 8 weeks.

My work outs were fabulous.  Rob was always changing it up so I never got bored.

Eating clean is easier then you think.

I wasn’t dieting I was eating plenty but it was healthy and organic.

There’s also 1 cheat day a week when you can eat whatever you want!

I started feeling results almost immediately.

I was happier, my clothes were more comfortable, after 4 weeks I had lost 10 pounds!

That was enough to keep me motivated for the last 4 weeks.  Eating clean isn’t always easy but as long as I stayed prepared I did great.

One trick I learned is it’s just as easy to swing in the grocery store for something healthy as it is to swing by the fast food chain and grab something gross!

After 8 weeks the MarshFIT Belley Beach Body Challenge™ has become a way of life for me.  I eat clean and cannot get enough gym time in!  I love my workouts and I deserve me time.

I am a better mom, employee and friend because of what I have done for myself!

Thank you Belley Fitness.

Jennifer Gallant


Not only did Jenn lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks, afterwards, she decided to lockdown an extra gear and began entering some obstacle races and 5k’s in the summer and throughout the fall of 2011.


After that, Jenn decided to share her abilities and successes with others taking on clients and training smarter and harder than ever!


Fast forward a mild Marshfield winter and dive into spring of 2012, Jenn not only connected our studio to the Diva Dash event, helping hundreds of women experience and element of the Belley Way, she decided to ABSOLUTELY DIAL IN to her eating plan.

[Jenn’s second acceptance of her THEN current conditioning]

She decided she would spend a summer free of processed indulgences and summer favorites like beer, ice cream, mixed drinks, smore’s and pizza!


Clearly she was disturbed, possessed or perhaps knew she was capable of MORE. In any case, I was curious to see how this unfolded.


At the end of her hard work, an entire summer void of beach-town partying, she would enter her first Fitness Competition, on a stage, in a bikini, for everyone to judge her, critique, tell her what could use work, what looked good and how she looked next to other women on stage with equal determination.


If that’s not the classic “Guts” scenario I don’t know what is. I personally do not possess that extra gear.  She has a bit more faith in herself than I do in my own-self physique-focused.

[SIDE NOTE] I once gave Jenn a sensational cool fat kid club present of a Peanut Butter & Company Dark Chocolate Dreams jar that I told her to put in the fridge and eat like ice cream: if you never have it’s delicious so don’t judge us. So imagine my astonishment that she would pull off this incredible feat!


But she did it, and she looked amazing, and in the crowd Greg, her fiancé holding roses, Alicia and myself cheered her on and we were extremely proud of her capacity to achieve, and as-of-present best figure forward.


It was a very memorable moment to see someone who you had become more than a trainer to, but a friend and an unofficial brother, change so much, in what relatively is a short period of time.


Jenn has been a part of our Belley Training Family for 3 and half years.


42 months in all: (1,278 days)


24 months getting workouts completed, trying hard and adhering possibly 70-80% of the time.


13 months of a great push and adhering about 80-90% of the time: (400 days)


5 months literally attacking her goal to get on a stage and adhering damn near 100-95%: (150 days)


I’ve never adhered so incredibly and my name is on the door!


Jenn transformed her body!


Just looking at her before pictures of spring 2011, to her stage photos from late-October is proof in the pudding!!


And she has lined up her 2013 for a diversity of challenging events, including obstacle races, short runs and figure.


The end result will leave Jenn, at 34 years of age, in BETTER shape than she ever was pre-pregnancy in her 20’s!


LESSON LEARNED = Getting after your goals consistently with a plan IS WHAT MAKES THE TRUE DIFFERENCE.


Jenn is definitely one of the most dedicated and inspiring individuals I’ve ever been able to be around.


And if you have any questions, Jenn can always be reached via her Facebook page, her email Jenn@rbfit.com and by training at our multiple-award winning studio, Belley Fitness.


Whether coming in to the studio to train after long overnights as a paramedic, in between riding sessions at her Magic Penny Farm, bringing her daughter Kae in tow at the studio, or before and after sessions with clients she’s always getting her workout in! It’s complete dedication.


She doesn’t show up twice or three times a week and lie to herself anymore that she’s making the effort.


She is going after it!


Jenn is creating the difference in her body. Nothing comes easy in life – especially physique goals.


And everyone knows someone who is skinny, smokes like a chimney, drinks like they’re birthright is at the bottom of every bottle and eats nothing but oxygen, desserts and pizza, but that person is weak and unhealthy. That person would be hard pressed to run further than a mile at a respectable pace without wanting to throw up. That person wouldn’t be able to lift more than their body weight or crank out chin-ups on a bad training day.


Have you ever seen Jenn do chin-ups?


I’m not a sexist by any means, but girls do tend to struggle a bit more than men with chin/pull-ups and Jenn’s been able to outperform almost every guy who has ever set foot in the Marshfield studio. And she can pull a bunch of weight too! She’s strong! And lean! And happy! And healthy above all else!


Sure she’s a little colder now but that comes with lower body-fat levels 🙂


Plain and simple life is easier, and streamlined, when you have mentors, or follow people who have been successful before you at the same endeavor. Jenn is one of those people who can be followed, and people can learn from. There are no shortcuts, but there’s definitely a path, and she’s followed it.


I know people who can tell you everything to do with fat loss but have never done it themselves in fitness and eating. People who can spit out every program, every exercise, every meal plan or diet yet they look like shit or have never tested their own abilities after years of study and reading.


Jenn has spent far less time on the study spectrum amongst all the hats she’s worn as a mother, paramedic, equestrian athlete, fiancée, farm operator, trainer, and god only what else, but she’s actually done the work. She’s lived in the trenches. She’s done what 99.9% of people will never be willing to do.


For that she’s far more valuable and resourceful than most trainers from any university or accreditation program who workout, enter events and never prove themselves.


She lives the lifestyle or code shall we say.


IT has become part of her, second nature, as if breathing.


And we all know breathing can be hard from time to time, and that it’s much easier to give into the pain, and collapse, and feel sorry for ourselves, but Jenn has refused to for a long time, and doing so daily is an impressive feat.


I am so proud of Jenn.


And hopefully, one day not too far away, I’ll be writing a before and after post about you.


And how proud I am of you for taking on a challenge and finishing what you started.

Boston ranks 5th Fittest City in Men’s Fitness magazine

Men’s Fitness laid out it’s yearly Fittest and Fattest Cities in America segment in the recent March 2012 issue.


And Beantown just peaked it’s way into the top 5  in the 5th position behind (in numerical order) Portland (OR), San Francisco, Albuquerque, and Oakland.
FUN FACT: And for those sports rivalry junkies NY came in at 21: Go Sox Nation! 😉


The main blip provided about Bostonians is that the city boasts (via Bundle) that our beloved city spends 92% less than the national average on fast food. That’s insane! And I love it!!


As in some of of our other posts you should KNOW BY NOW just how gross traditional fast food is overall as an industry. Not only for your health, fat loss and/or athletic goals, but it’s manufacturing and standards of what “food” is.


I think the three coolest stats given by Men’s Fitness highlight the Californication. In San Francisco 30.6% of residents eat at least 5 servings of veggies a day. In Oakland, 90% of residents are cigarette smoke-free. And L.A. boasts the city where people have the most amount of sex.


Of course you may still slip into the ocean or via a landslide so it’s a toss-up for relocation.


The March 2012 issue can be picked up at local newsstands throughout the country and Marshfield retail shops promoting fitness magazines.



Belley Fitness | Helping Marshfield workout and stay healthy

1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts

Sunday Morning Easy Movements

This Sunday we bring you our Sunday Morning Easy Movements.


A series where we’ll highlight movements and exercises that will help those stubborn, tightened body parts free up thrashed muscle tissue, range-of-motion, and bring some mobility back to your spirits.


This week’s movements starts at the beginning: The foot.


Our plantar fascia is a bundle of muscle tissue that ultimately can relieve pressure on our lower backs and virtually provide instant mobility via a quick and simple ball pattern.


I personally add this movement mornings, nightly and pre-workout.


Check it out here. You can begin with a tennis ball and later increase the intensity by using either a harder, or smaller ball to dig deeper into the tissue. I usually begin with a tennis ball and finish up with a more advanced technique.




Belley Fitness at 1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield Massachusetts, helps athletes of Marshfield workout so club teams, recreational sports and other activities can be more enjoyable and fulfilling. Help us help you live your dream.

Brian killing a BELLEY-BURST: Marshfield Workout

Here’s some footage of Brian killing a BELLEY-BURST during his morning Marshfield workout.


Brian completed 3 series…. he’s tough to break that one 😉



How’s your fat loss coming so far in 2012??


BELLEY-BURST may just be what you’re body’s craving!


Help us help you live your dream,




A serious fat loss Marshfield workout for a serious-goal oriented Marshfield people. Belley Fitness.

Marshfield Rams Nate Dunn fun-dunk at Belley Fitness

Some of our youth athlete football players attempting dunking utilizing a tire-made springboard at Belley Fitness.


Came up with the tire springboard as kids in East Bridgewater playing hoops in the driveway.


Check this out: