• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive Youth Fitness

I wanted to become a better football player

Here’s your 2 minute testimonial.

My son John started with Rob last December. His goal: gain body weight and become stronger. His weight was about 180 lbs and his bench was 160 lbs. Working with John during the winter, spring, and summer, John went to football camp at 210 lbs and attained a 225 lbs bench. It’s my opinion it was because of Rob Belley. I look forward to John continuing with Rob at the end of football.

Respectfully submitted,

John Jakkobowski


This is a repost from a Mike Boyle article he wrote.

Boyle knows fitness, strength and conditioning like a Maverick!



Is There a Fat Burning Zone and Does It Matter?ā€

If youā€™ve been reading this blog on a consistent basis you probably already know where Iā€™m going with this one.

You guessed it. The Fat Burning Zone is another of the urban legends of fitness.

Does anyone think that when they are in the so-called fat burning zone that stored bodyfat melts off them like butter?

A little reality therapy is in order. The Fat Burning Zone is a big fat lie. Hereā€™s the truth.

1- The ā€œfat burning zoneā€ supposedly describes a level of exercise that results in a larger number of the calories burned during exercise being derived from fat. This does not mean that stored bodyfat is the selective source. It only describes the relative percentage of utilization of three substrates, fat, carbohydrate and protein.

2- The fat burning zone actually describes what percentage of calories burned are derived from fat as an energy source.

Do you know when you are burning the most calories from fat? Sorry. The highest percentage of fat utilization is at rest. The more intense the exercise becomes, the more carbohydrate is used as a source.

Guess what. It doesnā€™t matter. The reality is that itā€™s about the number of calories burned, not the number of those calories that come from fat as a source. If the fat burning zone idea actually worked we could get extremely lean by simply sitting still.

Guess again. That doesnā€™t work, does it.

Confused, letā€™s use a mathematical example.

Lets assume that we have two identical exercisers who are going to exercise for twenty minutes.

Exerciser one is doing a slow walk to stay ā€œin the fat burning zoneā€. Exerciser two is going to run hard for twenty minutes. To keep the example simple we will assume that exerciser one will derive forty percent of his or her calories from fat. Exerciser two will move out of the fat burning zone and only derive 20 percent of his or her calories from fat.

Exerciser one will walk at 3 miles per hour and will cover one mile in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 100 calories with 40 calories coming from fat.

Exerciser two will run at 7.5 miles per hour and will cover 2.5miles in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 250 calories with 50 calories coming from fat.

Hmm, seems interesting. The exerciser in the ā€œfat burning zoneā€ burned less calories and less calories from fat in the same amount of time? The exerciser working harder and leaving the fat burning zone burned 2.5 times as many calories and, 10 more calories from fat.

I rest my case. Figures lie and liars figure.

Stop worrying about burning fat and start worrying about working harder

Yours in strength,

Mike Boyle

Functional Strength Coach
105 South Street
Plainville, MA


Reposted via an email I received from Mike Boyle of MBSC (Mike Boyle Sports Conditioning).

Mike has trained countless Olympians, Pro Athletes, Jane and Joe Workout Enthusiasts, Youth Athletes, Collegaite Athletes and more and has earned the credential of TOP FITNESS GYM in AMERICA by Men’s Health magazine more than once.

He’s an industry legend and pioneer. I’ve attended a few of his seminars and presentations and have enjoyed talking with him in the past.


Is Doing Abs A Waste Of Time?

I can’t even tell you how often I hear someone at the end of the workout say something like “I need to do more abs, I want to get a six-pack.”

The truth is that passing on a six-pack is a better way to get a six-pack than six hundred sit-ups. The key to abdominal definition is the visibility of the abdominal musculature, not the strength of the muscles.

You can do one million sit-ups, crunches or whatever exercise you want and it will have no effect on abdominal definition.

When people ask me the best exercise for abs I tell them table push-aways.

It usually takes a few minutes for them to get it. It’s not a joke, it’s the truth. If you want better abs, eat less and train more but, don’t just train your abs.

The idea of working abs to get abs is one of the oldest misconceptions in training. This goes back to the old idea of spot reduction. Spot reduction has never and will never work. The research has been done over and over and the answer is always the same.

You can’t decrease the fat layer on a particular area by working that area. That means that the guys doing sit-ups to lose abdominal fat and the lady sitting on the adductor (inner thigh) machine are both wasting their time.

Good total body work is, was, and always will be the key to fat loss.

Want better abdominal definition?

Finish every workout with some hard interval training instead of extra sit-ups or crunches. Interval training or what is currently called

High Intensity Interval Training (abbreviated HIIT) is the real key to fat loss and the resulting definition.

Interval training burns more calories than steady state aerobic training and because it is s sprint program you get a sprinters body.

Abdominal training may potentially reduce the diameter of the waistline but, will very little to reduce bodyfat.

The truth is there are lots of good reasons to do abdominal work or core training as we now like to call it. A strong core (strong abs) is one of the keys in the prevention of back pain. A strong core will help you look better and improve performance in a host of sports but, sit-ups or any other abdominal exercise will not reduce bodyfat. The fact of the matter is that crunches will lead to back pain long before they lead to visual abs.

Another good tip.

Don’t do crunches. A good abdominal or core program is a lot more than crunches. Most of your core work should be isometric exercises like front planks and side planks or carries like Suitcase carries.

One of the major functions of the core musculature is the prevention of motion.

What does that mean? It means that the abdominals are great stabilizers. Work on the stability function, not on flexion and extension.


Mike Boyle


So this it…

Here is the shape I’ve fallen into since summer 2010.

For me this is out of shape.

And it was a good wake-up call after the freezer of milk chocolate candies and gar-bage eating led to this… and lack of hardcore training too.

Last week I placed an order for new supplements and I began accepting that I need to do a better job of BEING MYSELF (the flagship and prinicipal beach body at my Marshfield Fitness studio).

So here’s what I’m doing.

Posting pictures of myself.

Now be aware they are compression shorts. I figure if I’m gonna be accountable I may as well be so to the limit… embarassing as it may be.

And these pix are from the same day.

The top row displays pix without changing the camera’s lighting option (natural light).
The bottom row is the camera’s setting with the ‘sunset’ option turned on which pictures it closer to true light. So they were taken within minutes of one another.

And this is what I’m going to do…

***1. Each meal I will tweet over at www.Twitter.com/RobertBelley which is my personal Twitter account. Kinda funny but I’ve had one for years… before the hype blew up!

But there you’ll be able to read what I feed myself and see a pic of it through my DROID.

***2. Give some example of the session I have each day over at Twitter too!

***3. I will also be posting this stuff in part here on this blog, but also over at our company Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

***4. I will be coming out with a special announcement soon for you all to ALSO Beach Body the Belley Fitness way šŸ˜‰

If you’d like spread some comments below about your ideas but also be nice… ha ha.

It takes a lot of “_________ insert word choice here” to post near naked pictures of yourself online free of a tan, being in your NORMAL shape and unshaven.

Live the dream kiddies,



Marshfield Fitness

Cool Kid Shake Club: Marshfield

Are you running on Dunkin’s?

You’re probably making one of the worst mistakes of your morning.

People who become addicted to caffeine for energy are literally sapping their natural energy.

Meaning, caffeine has become a crutch to enable early morning function much in the way alcohol has become a crutch for people to enable daily normal function.

I know. But fact is caffeine is a DRUG. And a highly addictive one at that.

Now I’m not saying that caffeine is terrible for you. Much in the way I will not say alcohol is totally terrible for you. But moderation and timing is much more important.

For instance, having coffee a couple hours after already being awake will greatly restore your natural energy capability.

And caffeine has been proven in studies to aid with metabolism, performance and weight loss; when timed correctly.

However, one of the best jump starts to your day is becoming part of the COOL KID SHAKE CLUB at Robert Belley Fitness!

When in a pinch, drink to kick!

That’s our temporary slogan AND DO NOT STEAL IT!!!

Or I’ll send a bunch of Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield kids after you
looking for Patriot Cinema and Pizza money.

Have you even been shook
down by a 12 year old with a mission and a prerogative thirsting for Pixar and
Disney insomnia? It’s f’n scary.

Anyway, here’s two of the COOL KID SHAKE CLUB drinks this morning.

Jenn who trains at the studio early mornings brought in her soy milk and chocolate Isopure shake for breakfast/workout drink.

I, Rob, brought in my chocolate peanut butter Muscle Milk Lite, frozen wild blueberries, banana shake with water for breakfast.

A shake takes literally less than 2 minutes to make.

And it’s nutritious!

My shake contained a cup of ridiculous antioxidants, tissue saving protein, 3 servings of fruit and 20 ounces of hydration. Jenn’s helped her recover faster from her workout to aid in fat loss and faster results and whey protein has been proven to help people feel fuller longer.

So next time you want to spend $3 in the Dunkin’ line and waste an extra 8-10 minutes of your morning think of how you could replace that with:

2 minutes and $2 for something far more nutritious and
helping you to GREATER FAT LOSS, satiety,
health and looking better in a bath suit or naked

I’d go with the shake!

Live the fat loss breakfast dream,


Ridiculously Fun and Challenging Private Fitness Studio
Marshfield, 4 minutes to the beaches šŸ˜‰

Friend us on Facebook =)

2011 Boston Marathonā€¦ Are YOU training yet??

Ever found yourself in a lucid state, thoughts thoughtless, unable to walk straight, speech slurred, feeling as if youā€™re drifting away and flying on a high?

Drugged or Freezing?

Lucid Is as Lucid Does



Well I did after my last run on Saturday. I severely neglected the impact of Massachusetts frost. I ran myself into a small case of hypothermia after a 14 mile run. But I made a couple mistakes that Iā€™m about to tell you right now to help you not make the same mistakes as me. Let me tell you what I did first though.


I wore a pair of running tights with a pair of wicking shorts on over them. I also wore 2 layers of cold gear compression long-sleeve shirts. I accessorized with a pair of gloves, compression skull cap, Robert Belley Fitness winter hat, iPod sleeve and one 16.9 ounce bottle of Poland Springs water.


For a 14.2 mile run along 45 mph routes 27, 106 and 36 through Pembroke, Kingston, Plympton and Halifax, back into Pembroke.


So hereā€™s what happenedā€¦

"That was Snowball"

Careful, could lead to hypothermia šŸ™‚


After the first 6.4 miles in 18-22 degree temperature I went into a Cumberland Farms on the corner of route 27 and route 106 in Kingston because I was starving from my body working harder in the cold and the last meal I had was about 5 hours prior. Well this store was about 70-75 degrees and walking around soaked from sweat in cold temps I now felt like heaven as I grabbed a Power Bar and Gatorade recovery drink.


Leaving the store I was freezing when I stepped outside, but, I still had nearly 8 miles left to run. It took me about 10 minutes if not more just to feel slightly warmer again during my run. Unfortunately I had already begun creating the damage.


By the time I reached my cool-down I could barely function properly and realized what I accomplished accidently. My body was shutting down and I was struggling making my way back home, walking through peopleā€™s yard to pick up fresh snow and eat it for hydration.

Oh Thank Jesus Nitrogen!!!

Could Save Your Life šŸ˜‰



Now thatā€™s a party!


Maybe not Charlie Sheen, duffle bag of cocaine, porn star, vodka ATV party but a party none the less.

Kacey Jordan and Charlie Sheen

Thank you for the $30,000 check Charles =)


So letā€™s bullet point my demise:

  • Drank too much on Friday night leading to dehydrated state on Saturday
  • Ate breakfast of apple sausages (fat and protein are inefficient fuels and require more water than carbs to digest properly)
  • Only had one meal, no snacks for 5 hours before run
  • Wore only running tights and wicking shorts.
  • Forgot lip balm
  • Did not moisturize face before run while exposed to elements for 2 full hours
  • Walked into a really warm room long enough for heart rate to return to normal
  • Only brought 17 ounces of water with me. Body works harder in colder temps thus needing more water to stay hydrated.



The entire above was extremely careless and foolish of me. It took about 2-3 hours for me to warm up to normal temp afterwards and my fingers tingled for up to 2 hours after my arrival. First thing I was strip off my wet clothes and jumped into 3 layers of warm clothes and sat under a fleece blanket while drinking a huge recovery shake.


So what did I do right? Bullets pleaseā€¦

  • Brought $5 cash with me just in case I needed to buy extra water, GU packets or something to eat
  • Brought one of my cell phones with me just in case I needed to call for help because of an injury or accident while running over ice
  • Told my roommate the exact route I was running, how long it should take and to come get me if I were more than 30 minutes late
  • Listened to kick-ass music to increase motivation and energy while running
  • Wore my big boy pants and didnā€™t give up or give in when things got tough



And what should I have done extra to ensure I didnā€™t hypothermia?

  • All of the above 4 bullet points
  • Had an snack 30 minutes or more prior to my run of fruit or healthy quick acting carbohydrate
  • Hydrated relentlessly the entire morning after a night of drinking, or not drank alcohol at all the night prior
  • Put lip balm on, moisturizer for exposed skin and brought lip balm with me
  • Had 2-3 times more water during my 2 hour run
  • Brought GU packets or other carb-spiking energy chew/shot for every 45 minutes of running
  • Wore an extra layer of track pants or similar over my running tights and shorts



All of that would have prevented my reaction to cold.


So thereā€™s your New England Winter running survival kit during colder temps.


LiveĀ the lucid dream,




Train Hard?Ā Think You Can Train Harder?




Marshfield, Massachusetts
Robert Belley Fitness

Organic gets Walmart

I know it’s almost taboo to enjoy Walmart. After all, they have nearly depleted the entire field of ‘Ma & Pa’ small business and general stores. But as of late I’ve become a fan of their cold grocer section.

My local Walmart Supercenter in Halifax has begun to offer organic eggs and organic milk.

I know organic milk still isn’t the freshest milk (opposed to going to straight to the farm) but it’s nice to see a conglomerate such as Walmart offer a healthier nutritional option at a much lower price than traditional grocers.

Organic cage free eggs are priced at just $3.27 a dozen (opposed to most brands at $4.49-$5.99) and organic milk is set at $3.48-3.93.
So next time you’re in Walmart picking up your motor oil and filter, 42″ LED TV, face wash and hygienic lady and man needs grab some organic stuff too!
It’ll make you healthier šŸ˜‰
Live the dream kids,
http://www.rbfit.com/ Marshfield Fitness at Robert Belley Fitness…. organic fitness for the willing =)

Wishing YOU the best in 2011

Hello and Happy New Year…

a week later šŸ˜‰ better late than never.

After much deliberation we the family at Robert Belley Fitness decided upon emailing the holiday greeting card this year so we could focus our budget on advertising for the new year. So this is your super-fantastic-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas and New Year’s Card!!!!! =)

I wish each of you a wonderful and progressive 2011. I hope you find at least one passion that you can discover, embrace, build upon and enjoy throughout the year. And I wish for you all a 2011 of love, amazing moments and memories you can revel in for decades to come.

Thank you for being a part of the Robert Belley Fitness family.

I am truly lucky and fortunate for having each and every one of you in my life and letting me be a part of your life.

Live the dream in 2011,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, MA

Something Cool Happened to Me in Fall 2010

So for those of you who see me regularly at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, you all know something really cool happened to me in the fall of 2010.

Nothing outrageous worldly speaking but definitely a pick-me-up and actualization personally.

I’ve reached a whole NEW level of fitness.

In short, I owe a lot of it to some tough and consistent training the last 2 years: talking double and triple session afternoon and evenings some weeks in a row.

I’d have to thank the start of all this with climbs up Mount Washington in New Hampshire, Running a couple Marathons (Boston 2009, Cape Cod 2010) and experiencing a couple of Death Races (2009, 2010) in Vermont’s Green Mountains with someone much much fitter than myself: Captain Michael Signori.

In between these challenges, I trained like crazy some weeks. Performing my own hellish workout then doing a couple extra for laughs and extra burn. Even training alongside training family clients to test their and my own fitness level.

The greatest part of all though, is that 2 years later, I’m in the best physical-endurance-strength-mental clarity shape of my life. Sure I’ve had some ups and downs with nutrition. And had some terrible workouts in there. But I never stopped driving forward or pushing.

At the studio last night, while Katie O’Hara Shannahan was performing 30 minutes on the AirDyne, and I was practicing my Jump Shot, we spoke about drive and determination.

I don’t believe you can teach those two characteristics, but you can learn something about them.

(1) It comes from within
(2) Behaving consistently encourages drive-like behavior for those who lack internal drive

Tom Brady was Katie and I’s example. To watch Tom Brady quarterback is brilliant. He is relentless. In much the same way Michael Jordan was with basketball. If he throws a bad pass or the play doesn’t work out he jumps right into the next play without hesitation or fear of throwing another bad bullet. Much the way Jordan wouldn’t stop shooting if he was having an off
night. Complete consistency is the key to the next level.

Accepting that you will fail, and will just have to work immediatly through it is HUGE for creating the best result.

I’ve had some terrible workouts in the last couple years, and by terrible I am reffering to low-energy, poor lifts and feeling as if I were stuck in quicksand.


Nothing should get in the way of the outcome.

It may be sloppy sometimes, but by sticking at it CONSISTENTLY, you will achieve the very thing you WANT most.

I promise.

Live a little dream dreamers šŸ˜‰

Rob Belley

**** JOIN and LIKE our fantastic FACEBOOK PAGE for more up to the minute deals, specials, results, client gabby gab and humorous nonsense šŸ˜‰ You won’t be disappointed****

Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield
Home of the 15 Minute Super Deal In & Out Workouts!

The Revolution of Youth Fitness – I’m in!!

By now you know that the Fitness Revolution has started.

‘Youth Fitness’ and ‘Youth Sports Training’ are the most expansive markets this industry has seen in years. And I already gave you the heads-up.

Unfortunately, nearly 1 million Fitness Professionals worldwide got the heads-up, too.

Thankfully I was the very FIRST WORLD CERTIFIED Fitness Professional to earn this prestigious honor through this amazing industry’s IYCA organziation.

And very seldom are you given the chance to get in on’the next big thing’ early.

Most Fitness Professionals and organizations like to keep things to themselves. They’re not looking to share or bring you ‘inside’ the secret chamber of what it is they’ve got going on.

But this Revolution has been different.

My good friend Brian Grasso and the IYCA are searching the globe for passionate and dedicated professionals like you.

They want you to become one of the frontline soldiers in the war against youth obesity. They want you to become an agent for change and esteemed notable expert in the world of youth sports performance.

They want to open the doors for you and your career in a marketplace that is considered the’largest opportunity-oriented demographic in the industry’ by countless organizations both insideand outside the world of fitness.

But are you listening? If you haven’t yet gone to check out this immense Revolution than you are literally letting one of the greatest opportunities you will ever see slip straight through your fingers.

The IYCA only has room for 74 more Fitness Professionals to take hold of this Revolution. 74 That’s because they aren’t looking for just anyone.

They’re looking for the best, most passionate and most dedicated professionals out there today.

They’re looking to personally mentor, provide directionand blaze an opportunity-rich path for those few Fitness Professionals who want more for their careers.

74 and counting down.

Sometimes in life it’s not whether you can afford to take action… … It’s whether you can afford NOT to.

74 more action oriented professionals can get on boardbefore the train leaves the station.

My sincere opinion is that you should be one of them.

Have a look at your careers future – IYCA MISSION and YOUR PLACE IN IT


Back neraly 2 years ago I took action and absorbed all that I could. I’m a much better person and professional today for my inclusion and studies of the IYCA and its mission.

Together we are going to change the shape of youth obesity, disease and fitness.


Robert Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
1st World Certified YCS through the IYCA