• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive fat loss


This is a repost from a Mike Boyle article he wrote.

Boyle knows fitness, strength and conditioning like a Maverick!



Is There a Fat Burning Zone and Does It Matter?

If you’ve been reading this blog on a consistent basis you probably already know where I’m going with this one.

You guessed it. The Fat Burning Zone is another of the urban legends of fitness.

Does anyone think that when they are in the so-called fat burning zone that stored bodyfat melts off them like butter?

A little reality therapy is in order. The Fat Burning Zone is a big fat lie. Here’s the truth.

1- The “fat burning zone” supposedly describes a level of exercise that results in a larger number of the calories burned during exercise being derived from fat. This does not mean that stored bodyfat is the selective source. It only describes the relative percentage of utilization of three substrates, fat, carbohydrate and protein.

2- The fat burning zone actually describes what percentage of calories burned are derived from fat as an energy source.

Do you know when you are burning the most calories from fat? Sorry. The highest percentage of fat utilization is at rest. The more intense the exercise becomes, the more carbohydrate is used as a source.

Guess what. It doesn’t matter. The reality is that it’s about the number of calories burned, not the number of those calories that come from fat as a source. If the fat burning zone idea actually worked we could get extremely lean by simply sitting still.

Guess again. That doesn’t work, does it.

Confused, let’s use a mathematical example.

Lets assume that we have two identical exercisers who are going to exercise for twenty minutes.

Exerciser one is doing a slow walk to stay “in the fat burning zone”. Exerciser two is going to run hard for twenty minutes. To keep the example simple we will assume that exerciser one will derive forty percent of his or her calories from fat. Exerciser two will move out of the fat burning zone and only derive 20 percent of his or her calories from fat.

Exerciser one will walk at 3 miles per hour and will cover one mile in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 100 calories with 40 calories coming from fat.

Exerciser two will run at 7.5 miles per hour and will cover 2.5miles in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 250 calories with 50 calories coming from fat.

Hmm, seems interesting. The exerciser in the “fat burning zone” burned less calories and less calories from fat in the same amount of time? The exerciser working harder and leaving the fat burning zone burned 2.5 times as many calories and, 10 more calories from fat.

I rest my case. Figures lie and liars figure.

Stop worrying about burning fat and start worrying about working harder

Yours in strength,

Mike Boyle

Functional Strength Coach
105 South Street
Plainville, MA

Marshfield Boot Camp Duxbury Boot Camp Pembroke Boot Camp



Live Your Dream
in 2011

Fat Loss Perspective from Outside, Funny :)

Much like people freak out over the pace of real world fat loss,
the ability to quickly increase endurance,
or the rate at which they heal from an injury,
we can learn from this hilarious interview of Louis CK
on Conan O’Brien how some people lose patience over luxuries
we take for granted daily.

Fantastic segment 🙂

And remember, this mentality hits all of us with our own physiques…

Myself included, LOL

Marshfield Weight Loss Program – Beach Belly

Watching this movie really opened my eyes during summer of 2009.

Not that I didn’t know our grocery stores we’re primarily loaded with horrible food options for staying fit and trim, but combined with the inconsistencies I had seen over my 16 years in nutrition and fat loss I realized that MANY PEOPLE still had no idea how to actually lose fat and keep it off.

I knew I had to put a foot in the door of the weight loss circle.

Not that Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and the like don’t have their place… but…

I know I can help people eat find foods that are not chemical laden like the ones offered in stores and online by companies above.

In fact, foods that are offered as a service for my members are made fresh, free of chemicals and growth hormone, pesticides and the other nasty chemicals plaguing are manufactured and overly processed foods.

They are in fact prepared by a woman I trust whole-heartedly as personal chef and nutritional food preparer.

Her name is Brooke, of http://www.brookethecook.com/

Her foods are simply delicious. Mouth watering. In fact, she makes these peanut butter squares, well, consider them a reward once you graduate the first level of my system. They are worth becoming a success 🙂 Trust me.

Her meals are just an option for you. Simply an option.

Do you need them? No. Will they make life easier? Of course.

But the last thing I want you to feel from my Marshfield Beach Belly Weight Loss System is that you need to depend on products to become successful.

I want to help you clear your cupboards and cabinets of pills and potions.

I want you to enjoy your fat loss while educating yourself.

My hope is that you would graduate and not need my nutritional guidance again. That you’ll be self-reliant and never co-dependent of another weight loss group ever again!

Am I ambitious? Yes.

But why do I feel my system beats the other systems?

Well, for one it’s not just about point counting and lecture. It’s hands on. What does that mean? Well, once you sign up you’ll know the details. But this is a weight loss group like no other.

I want you to come out of this feeling empowered and ready to conquer any goal that sets before you.

Like my private training clients. I’m going to help you set goals and shatter them. That’s what I want for you.

So where and when?

Robert Belley Fitness studio
Suite 1, 2nd Level
1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts

7:00 – 8:15 pm

Next session start date:
November 10th, 2009

Running in 12 Week Sessions

Group Limit:
Only 10 Serious People, people who want to lose belly fat

System Rate:
$79 a month for 3 months
equaling $19.75 per week… you get so much for such a little number realistically.


But why is this program the rate that it is?

I offer the Mercedes Benz of weight loss programs.

None of the frill just the necessary points, and, they are breakthrough points! You get what you pay for. Especially since my education is spanned over 16 years and I’ve trained thousands of sessions and helped hundreds with fat loss.

Magazines trust my knowledge as an expert in the field of fat loss.

I’m in dozens of issues a year.

You WILL succeed!

The only way you can’t succeed is if YOU CHOOSE not to.

I’m going to set you up with materials and an education like you’ve never had. And I’ve got some great fat-fighting protocols for you to follow on your journey that are guaranteed to make you lose stubborn fat.


It will work.

Now does that seem expensive to you?
To keep the weight off for good?

Once you sign-up I’ll fill you into what happens in the program that I’d hate to give-away online because I safe-guard my fat loss secrets.

If put them out there other companies may take and run with my systems and I do not want that.

I only want you and my group to have access to the knowledge I have and provide to my other successful fat loss clients.

So who wants a Beach Belly?

Your trusted Marshfield fitness and fat loss expert,


Robert Belley Fitness

3 Extra Minutes to Weight Loss Marshfield

Did you know,

Just adding an extra set to each of your working sets could lead to some major fat loss?

One extra set.

3 extra minutes.

You could accelerate your goals.

If you’re going after size,

one more hypertrophy set, each workout could build your body.

If you’re after fat loss,

one more interval could increase the EPOC and get you slimmer faster.

3 simple minutes.

Do you have 3 extra minutes in your day?

I’m willing to bet you do.

Make it fun, make it count, make it happen.

Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Studio
South Shore Boot Camp at its finest

A Meal Plan worth Eating for Marshfield dieters, Marshfield fitness buffs, Marshfield runners, Marshfield triathletes!

Hey there, for those of you who don’t already know, at Robert Belley Fitness I suggest ONLY one meal plan.

One that is not only high in fiber, natural proteins, and provides an amazing quantity of vitamins and minerals to regulate your body’s fat fighting ability, but it also improve your skin, teeth, hair, nails and overall feeling!

Sound like a miracle diet?

Well, it’s actually basic.

Nothing fancy at all.

And it helps Marshfield residents and Pembroke, Duxbury and Kingston residents too lose satisfactory bodyfat and weight.

And I promise it doesn’t require you to purchase any pills, meal replacement drinks, protein powders, specialty products or anything created with chemicals or preservatives.

In fact, it’s not even based on a point system and you can eat as much as you want from my approved EATING plan.

And one of my most recent clients just lost 29 pounds in the last 60 days!

It’s helped changed her life.

Next Blog post I’ll have an audio for you to hear HER OWN WORDS.

And It’s helped many of my other clients lose up to a pound a day the first week and at times 10 pounds in a single week over the last few years.

Crazy huh?

When I follow it, it shreds me and my abs become easily visible.

If you want it,

then get on over to Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

It’s Marshfield fitness at it’s finest!

Not too mention my secret, well, not-so-secret eating plan that will help you ALSO drop stubborn pounds and rid of the fat.

If you’re after fat loss, weight loss, or any weight watching you can have this diet for free as a boot camp or semi-private client at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.

You’re gonna love it!

And it’ll change your life 😉

Live the dream,


Marshfield’s Fitness Expert on Fat Loss and Changing Your Life

Robert Belley Fitness (Boot Camps, Private Training, Pilates, Yoga, Youth Athlete Development)
1775 Ocean Street
Marshfield, MA 02050

Hydroxycut Kills

It should be a no-brainer.

It shouldn’t have to come to this.

But for some reason people still chase potions.

One of the all-time leading fat-loss burning pill scams, Hyrdoxycut, was recalled off the shelves today by the FDA.

Read the full Hydroxycut kills article here:

I’ll say this now as I always have…




I won’t lie to you about it.

They are all a scam.

The only thing that will provide you with fat-loss is eating properly and exercising intelligently.

You don’t need a pill for that.

So seriously, stop wasting your money on FALSE-HOPES.

If you want your dream body, you’re gonna have to work for it.

It’s not easy.

It’s not a smooth road.

But you’ll get there.

So long as you stay consistent you will get there.

I promise.

Robert Belley
Marshfield Fitness Expert

Robert Belley Fitness
1775 Ocean Street
Marshfield, Massachusetts

Is Seltzer Water Appropriate for Marshfield Fitness Studio Fat Loss Client?

So one of my clients asked me last week,

“Can I drink seltzer water while eating for fat loss?”

Great question. It’s not like cola, with the high fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring and caffeine.

However, it still has carbon monoixde added to it to make it bubbly.

If I had to choose between water and seltzer (also known as soda water, sparkling water, carbonated water, fizzy water) I would have to say ix-nay on the carbonation.

Carbonation leads to bloat and gas anyway… two things that will lead you to believe that your tummy isn’t as flat as really is… plus it only reinforces the opportunity for a horrible fat loss beverage choice.

However, if my Marshfield fitness studio clients were trying to just have a drink during maintenance programs then yeah, I see no significant problem with it.

But if it’s fat loss Marshfield, Pembroke and Duxbury fitness residents are after, then totally 86 the carbonated anything for the brief duration ensuring fat loss success.


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fitness Fat Loss Studio

1775 Ocean Street, Bay 6
Marshfield, MA

Dieter’s Craze!

I’ll be honest. When most people I consult or train tell me they eat healthy, I figure they’re eating about 75% clean.

Nearly not enough to truly impact their fat loss results.

In fact, when others tell me they are eating clean and they’re still having a difficult time dropping weight, I know they are either (a) drinking far too much or eating too much fast/processed foods on the weekends, (b) overeating – even healthy overeating is still overeating – or (c) not consuming enough veggies.

You’d be literally AMAZED what 5-6 servings of vegetables will do for your waistline and padded area’s.

I’m no saint myself. I love to have a good time come Friday. However, I lock down on Monday and Tuesday and reverse the weekend with solid powerhouse nutritional foods and plenty of water.

I don’t take any fat loss supplements.

I’m not on lipozene, Alli, hydroxycut, hoodia, CLA, slimquick, detox pills, diet pills or any ephedra containing supplements.

Hell I don’t even have caffeine in my diet. Other than the very, very occasional green tea (maybe once a month) and barely soda on the weekends.

But I’m athletic and lean.

You want to know the best fat-burner out there?

Vegetables and watching how much you eat.

If you know you’re only given 1,500 calories a day EAT only 1,500 calories a day.

If you go too far under you’ll retain fat as the body will do its best to keep fat on as a survival mechanism.

If you go over then you’ll just add fat as the body loves to be so.

There is no miracle cure for this other than consistency.

Your WILL POWER is your greatest FAT LOSS advantage.

So next time you find yourself reaching for a candy bar or the take-out menu quickly eat an apple and cup of uncooked broccoli. I promise you’ll thank me for it in your next Myspace Profile pic 😉

Looking out for you,

Rob Belley