• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive weight loss

The Art of Simplicity…. Eating Helper!

For many people choosing what foods to eat and when are major conundrums!


With today’s societal eatery/nutrition system roulette it’s no wonder many Americans have trouble choosing which foods to eat and when!


I just saw Weight Watchers approved some foods on the McDonald’s menu!!!!!


Seriously?! Check the image below…


I understand making it easier for people to stick to their “point” system but McDonald’s?


How about some accountability and just sucking it up and doing the right thing!


Do you really think a 6-Piece Breaded Chicken Nugget Meal is good for you fat loss and Vitals (BP, HR, etc…) goals?


But in any case that has more most likely to do with financial friendship than anything else…



(I wouldn’t be shocked if you start seeing within the next 5 years Weight Watcher menu items on select McDonald’s eatery menu boards.)


But I always believe that the best way to keep your physique or stick to your goals is to create simplicity in your eating.


KISS – Keep It Simple Sexy 😉


Here are 4-5 meals I do not even have to think about day to day:


  • Meal 1 (Cashews or Walnuts or Almonds – 30g)
  • Meal 2 (Sweet Potato and some form of Protein – eggs, grass fed steak or hamburger, free-range chicken,pork, lamb, etc.)
  • Meal 3 (Post-Workout: High-End Post Workout Whey Protein Powder with BCAA and Water)
  • Meal 4: Veggies (Cauliflower or Broccoli or Sweet Peas or Brussel Sprouts, etc) with 3 Oysters
  • Meal End Of Night (4-6 Eggs, Over Easy, Scrambled or Sunny Side Up)


That leaves me with only one or two meals to actually have to think about.


Too easy right?!


So do yourself a favor and create some consistency in your life with simple planning and the other two meals or so of the day will take care of themselves… trust me.


Leading my life to help you live the dream 😉



Belley’s 2012 Resolutions

So after my own clients asking what my resolutions are for 2012 I decided to compile this quick list Monday night 😉

Here are my own. Comment with yours too!

belley’s 2012


Begin all Clients on EFT collection starting February 1st at studio

Continue to Retain Chris McCombs for coaching

100 New Clients This Year (8 per month)

Upload 200 New Video’s This Year

1,000 Fan Page LIKES on Facebook

Setup Membership Site based on Belley Bible

Client Summer Party

Belley Fitness T-Shirts

Belley Fitness Training Shirts

Get Published in 2 New Magazines

Contribute to Publication Weekly

Add 12 “New” Belley Fitness TV Episodes

Begin collaborating on info-product

Turn Logo into EPS file

New Physique Pictures (Late Spring /Early Summer)

Contribute to T-Nation

Create 200 Blog Posts This Year



Read One Book per Month

Begin Saving Money – Which Incurs More Business

Pay Any Outstanding Debts

Go Camping

Remain in the Lake House

Make time for Patrick (Basketball)

Go Snowboarding

Go Surfing

Visit a Country Outside of North America

Get to Montreal and visit Grasso

Make Summer Snowball Birthday Bash Happen

Sleep an average of 6 hours per night

New Year’s Day Ocean Plunge with Mike

Publish Poetry Book

Record 5 of My Songs (Lyrics – Music)

Write One New Song Per Month

Write One New Poem Per Month



Hike Mount Washington Twice in One Day

Diet Down for 3 Weeks as a Physique Competitor

FAST for 4 days

40 Pull-Ups

100 Push-Ups in 4 Minutes

Not Dehydrate during Beast

Pull 500

Retain Cressey as Personal Trainer

Retain Berardi as Nutritionist

Run a Sub 6 Minute Mile (Late Fall/Early Winter)

Graston work done

Get Health Insurance

Ask Signori What Else We Should Do 😉


There should be more but that was my quick list 😉

Some of our honest Marshfield fitness goals at Belley Fitness

When Goals Backfire!

So this afternoon after training the bulk of clients at the studio from 6 am – noon today I decided to train myself after sticker-stamping the Christmas cards at the Marshfield Post Office – I know I know I’m a procrastinator.



Well let’s just say my goal for the random session backfired.


How you ask?


Well let’s see the original plan:


Today’s random Xmas week workout: For successful reps in a row: Descending Ladder


A1) Bodyweight Widest Grip Pull-Ups:

8 reps

A2) 12” Single Leg “Full Extension 25# Plate Overhead” Box Squats

4 reps

A3) Trap bar Shrugs (70% of bodyweight)

14 reps


Continue as many sets possible until managing all of the reps in 1 exercise dropping to 0


8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14,

8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14,

8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14,

8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14,

8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14, 8-4-14,

(160-80-280) = 60 sets

26,400 + 30,400 + 32,200 = 89,000 total pounds

Well, between people popping in to drop off Christmas cards quickly, and me logging this workout down after 2 hours and 20 rounds totaling 600 reps and 89,000 pounds of volume I decided to call it a workout.


I figured for sure it would’ve been a 90 minute workout ending in failure.


Basically I underestimated myself and should have upped the numbers.


I should have started the Pull-Up amount at 15, one legged squats with 25 pound plate overhead at 6 reps per leg and the shrugs should have been my bodyweight.


But either way I’m not complaining.


I also performed a 10 minute burst session this morning at 6am when I first entered the studio:

A1) Jump Rope

A2) Knuckle Push-Ups

A3) 1 Legged 24” Box Jumps

A4) Muscle-Ups (pull-up where you continue through pushing yourself up over the bar)


Plus I still have my functional session tonight I’ll perform a couple hours prior to sleep.


Point in case though, you are always capable of more, so long as you intelligently design the session.


What if I had only settled for a descending series that started and 8 and after 8 sets stopped at 1?


That would have been a very simple session.


So always plan intelligently.


Always give a little more than you believe you have.


Aim HUGE and watch where you end up.


Most likely increasingly further than you had originally planned.


Find the dream… and live it



Oh how the heart warms at Christmas! RAZZLES

Actual text message from client at Belley Fitness:

10:08pm 12/21/2011



When I got home Gabriella asked me if I thought you wanted her RAZZLE shirt for Xmas-lmao!

Then she asked me if you were married..

when I said no she said when I turn 18 mama I am going to marry that boy cuz he’s cute..

f’ing hysterical!!

Oh, and she also told me that I wasn’t following your directions-ha!

Will be in touch before xmas.



It’s the little things that remind you how lucky you are and how magical this time of year can be.


Here’s little Gabriella 🙂


Gabriella - Razzles: I love that shirt!

Santa is but a man. Even Mr. Claus bleeds.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

At Belley Fitness everyday is a training day; including the 25th of December.

I personally enjoy training on holidays, birthdays, really any day that celebrates life!

Today’s session included:

Rack Pulls, Decline Abdominal Work, Deadlifts, Anti-Rotational Ab Work, Boxing and Decline Bench Presses.

Roughly 60 minutes.

So even though it’s a joyous holiday, there’s a always a little room to exert some darkness 😉 Enjoy!!

Merry Christmas Claus

Live the Dream!




Robert Belley Fitness was exactly what I needed

Robert Belley Fitness was exactly what I needed.

I made a decision last February that I was going to get back in shape after devoting my time over the last six plus years to my family and career.

I met Rob through a neighbor that hired him for personal training. Her results were amazing, so I knew he was the real deal.

In April it was suggested to us to try and start a boot camp with all our neighbors. We never looked back. From the first session, we were hooked.

Since that time I have lost a whole clothing size, become more toned and…more importantly, I actually look forward to working out now. I could not have done it without the support of Rob… willing to go the extra mile for you and just all around nice. Thank you for laying the groundwork for me and my family for a lifetime of fitness!!!!


Kim, Pembroke

Semi-Private & BootCamp

Accepting You

What changes a person?

Is it a single life-altering event?

A string of smaller incidences funneling towards the brilliance of self-realization?

Or does shit just happen and we react?

I’d like to believe in the optimistic version.

That we inherently desire to be better. Constantly.

But that obviously isn’t true.

As the famous quote states, “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” – William Arthur Ward.
It’s the nature of my passion to understand why people come to the studio.

Why they reach out.

Sure some people just want to look better.

Sure some want to be better at their sport/activity/activities.

But I always wonder “WHY” they want this improvement.

Why they want to change.

That’s the fascinating part to me.

And with any change in life, be it my own or yours, UNDERSTANDING why the need for change is eminent is critical.

That “ah-ha” moment will propel you into certainty.

That ‘s the icing on the cake.

Of course in my most professional recommendation, don’t eat the fucking cake 😉

But do this,

Discover your WHY…

And you will discover a brilliant existence of opportunities ahead.

Discover your brilliance.

It’s already inside of you.

But that cake better not be.

Live the dream,

Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts

Anti-Lovely Lady Lump tips for the Fella’s

Today we’re going to cover a few bullet points of falling off the wagon. Chuck pony style; the kind that leaves you all warm and fuzzy inside, like a Meg Ryan movie (completely normal to cry to Joe And The Volcano).

Warm Thoughts Only

Warm Thoughts Only


So here’s the scenario:


You’ve decided to finally commit yourself to eating better and working out.


You’ve been hitting training sessions pretty good, well, as best you can while still leaving optional room for thirsty Thursdays, liquid lunch Fridays and sweetness sweet Saturdays. Not to forget, blow my f*#*ing brains out Monday 🙂


None the less, you’re Hero-ing 3 days a week! With all due respect I’d say you’re one Celine Dion hit away from complete self-annihilation, however, here are some tips to cool your passive aggressive anger and abandonment fantasies. Take it away Johnny!

  1. When you want to eat something really-really-really bad, brush your teeth. If that doesn’t work, lift your shirt and gaze at your love lumps in the mirror. If that doesn’t do it, review your life insurance policy and see what it says about obesity and if there’s a Twix or Twinkie clause. Or in most cases, I’d suggest eating a clementine or orange first. Usually the sweetness of the citrus will curb some sugar cravings and lay those lovely lady lumps to rest.
  3. When you’re having a tantrum on training, remember if you do, you’ll be better than your closest friends at every sport in about 5 years. If that doesn’t help, remember being the HOTT DAD at the playground, BBQ’s, reunions, High School athletic events and the infatuation of all the other moms and wives is ridiculously rewarding.
  5. Put on a t-shirt from high school, or your favorite jeans or dress shirt that your girlfriend from three girlfriends past gifted you. Does it fit? If not, go on Facebook and find her latest profile pic. Does she look hot? Is her new boyfriend a good looking guy, maybe a little James Dean-esque-bad-boy? If so, I swear you’ll be at the gym and swallowing copious amounts of BCAA’s and protein powder in nanoseconds!
  7. Call your most successful friend and ask him to meet you at the gym. Usually, seeing someone kick some ass, leads to you kicking more ass! Just don’t slap asses in the gym. Cue the 1980’s-training-room-montage-scene!
  9. Call your ex-girlfriend, any should suffice, and ask her what went wrong. This list should provide ample weeks of hate and fantastic motivation.
  11. Go back in your head to a time you got your grill knocked in by the schoolyard bully. Imagine how good it would feel to approach him as an adult after a few months of hitting it hard and knocking his ass out! If he just so happens to be a UFC fighter then maybe you can revert to a memory when the lunch-lady shafted you a full serving of garlic rice ball or shitty corner piece of pizza with two sides of crust…. some people are just evil.
  13. Watch The Fighter or Rocky. Hell watch Designing Women if Anthony or Mary Jo inspire you. But watch something for fuel!


  15. When all else fails pamper yourself bro. Cucumber eyes and facials. LIFE CHANGING!

LIVE THE DREAM! And adapted from the lyrics of John Lennon “peace and chicken grease”,


Rob Belley

Ridiculously Challenging Private Fitness Studio
Marshfield, 4 minutes to the beaches 😉
Friend us on Facebook =)

Must-Have! Shake Weight not required ;)

So you want strong forearms?


But you don’t want to look silly holding a shake weight.


Because quite frankly, it actually looks like you’re __________ something ___ while really _____ into it and honestly then the whole world knows how you look on ________ night while watching the latest coveted CINEMAX releases.


Plus, once everyone finds out, they all want you to ride middle on ski trips.


Not flattering.


So here’s your ANTI-SHAKE WEIGHT THURSDAY exercise!!!




A Horse
A pair of gloves
Just kidding 😉


It’s called a Burpee with Push and Pull-Up or Up Downs or Body Counters or anything clever the yoga community hasn’t thought of yet containing an animal and one adverb in the title.


Real Requirements:


Stationary bar fixed/mounted overhead




Simply drop to the floor, into push-up position. Perform one push-up. Jump back to standing position while simultaneously leaping upward, grabbing the bar overhead, and pulling-yourself up. Drop, rinse, repeat.


Too easy.


Here’s a video link demonstrating for you.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/cdS1CPtI3N0" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


One of our stud athletes, Adam O’Reilly. He’s ballistic.


And if you want to get tricky, you can either add a weight vest for more resistance, OR, simply add in a muscle-up, as demonstrated by me here.


Stay real, and stay off the shake weight.


Because it makes you look _____ and didn’t your mother tell you never to represent yourself as such in public 😉


Live the dream!






And Like OUR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! Or we’ll cut you! 😉


Ridiculously Fun and Challenging Private Fitness Studio


This is a repost from a Mike Boyle article he wrote.

Boyle knows fitness, strength and conditioning like a Maverick!



Is There a Fat Burning Zone and Does It Matter?

If you’ve been reading this blog on a consistent basis you probably already know where I’m going with this one.

You guessed it. The Fat Burning Zone is another of the urban legends of fitness.

Does anyone think that when they are in the so-called fat burning zone that stored bodyfat melts off them like butter?

A little reality therapy is in order. The Fat Burning Zone is a big fat lie. Here’s the truth.

1- The “fat burning zone” supposedly describes a level of exercise that results in a larger number of the calories burned during exercise being derived from fat. This does not mean that stored bodyfat is the selective source. It only describes the relative percentage of utilization of three substrates, fat, carbohydrate and protein.

2- The fat burning zone actually describes what percentage of calories burned are derived from fat as an energy source.

Do you know when you are burning the most calories from fat? Sorry. The highest percentage of fat utilization is at rest. The more intense the exercise becomes, the more carbohydrate is used as a source.

Guess what. It doesn’t matter. The reality is that it’s about the number of calories burned, not the number of those calories that come from fat as a source. If the fat burning zone idea actually worked we could get extremely lean by simply sitting still.

Guess again. That doesn’t work, does it.

Confused, let’s use a mathematical example.

Lets assume that we have two identical exercisers who are going to exercise for twenty minutes.

Exerciser one is doing a slow walk to stay “in the fat burning zone”. Exerciser two is going to run hard for twenty minutes. To keep the example simple we will assume that exerciser one will derive forty percent of his or her calories from fat. Exerciser two will move out of the fat burning zone and only derive 20 percent of his or her calories from fat.

Exerciser one will walk at 3 miles per hour and will cover one mile in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 100 calories with 40 calories coming from fat.

Exerciser two will run at 7.5 miles per hour and will cover 2.5miles in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 250 calories with 50 calories coming from fat.

Hmm, seems interesting. The exerciser in the “fat burning zone” burned less calories and less calories from fat in the same amount of time? The exerciser working harder and leaving the fat burning zone burned 2.5 times as many calories and, 10 more calories from fat.

I rest my case. Figures lie and liars figure.

Stop worrying about burning fat and start worrying about working harder

Yours in strength,

Mike Boyle

Functional Strength Coach
105 South Street
Plainville, MA